Rhenhauge Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Rhenhauge is a female orc around six and a half to seven feet tall of an unknown age. She is well-known to be incredibly strong and typically communicated in the form of simple grunts and gestures and carried a large greataxe. Rhenhauge is one of the five known members of the rival adevnturing group to the Menagerie of Chaos, the Shadow's Edge. Similar to other members, we have encountered Rhenhauge each of the times we have encountered the Shadow's Edge except for the most recent occurence.   We first met Rhenhauge alongside most of the rest of the Shadow's Edge in a tavern up in Thaneas, after they had returned from a job, parading through the streets with the bodies of giants they had slain. Since then we faced Rhenhauge and her companions in the arena in Thaneas where the Menagerie managed to barely scrape out a victory, winning the tournament. We would then later assist, her and the Shadow's Edge with some remorhazes north of the same city.   Our final encounters with Rhenhauge took place around the time of the invasion/breach of The Hole where we were offered the opportunity to and then later helped look for the Beads of Corruption on orders from John Morazmus prior to the Shadow's Edge betraying us and escaping with them. It was during this fight that Falwin Highsurge, Tralen, and Bren Sunkeep escaped with the Beads of Corruption while Astar and Rhenhauge were left to us as we managed to subdue and capture them.   We would later interrogate both Astar and Rhenhauge, but ultimately learned nothing from Rhenhauge as she was incapable of really comunicating with us even though she seemed to at least vaguely understand common. Once we were done questioning her, Pari kept watch over her for a short time (probably giving her even more brain damage then she likely already had in the process) prior to us turning her in to the jail in the city of Thaneas so that the city could determine what her true punishment should be. Since then, the party has not heard about her of from her.

Character Information

Physical Description
Very strong female orc standing at a height of about 6.5 to 7 feet tall of an unknown age (Might be dead, we don't know when she made it into imprisonment in The Void
Place of Residence
In or around the city of Thaneas
May have also shared the home of Falwin Highsurge in the western part of Valencia
Organizational Affiliations
Shadow's Edge
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
High Level Barbarian
Known Weaknesses
Repaeted blows to the head, but I mean like who doesn't have ths weakness


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