Bren Sunkeep Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Bren Sunkeep

What Do We Know?

Bren Sunkeep is a male human of average height and an unknown age with black hair and a shaven face. Bren is a member of the Shadow's Edge and is currently the only remaining living member. He is known to be a monk who has some strange attachment to the shadows. We also happen to know that in his spare time Bren likes to crochet.   We firrst encountered Bren and the rest of the Shadow's Edge in the city of Thaneas following one of their successful adventuring jobs in which it is assumed they heroically slayed some giants. Shortly after meeting Bren we battled him and his rival adventuring party in the arena during a tournament in Thaneas which the Menagerie barely went on to win.   Following our victory, the Shadow's Edge invited us on a mission where we worked with Bren and the others to eliminate the threat of some remorhaze creatures north of the city. We were then invited to a necromancy convention which they also attended where we were offered and would later accept a job to breach The Hole in search of the Beads of Corruption. It was on this job Bren and the other betrayed us as he, Falwin, and Tralen managed to escape with the beads.   Our final encoutner thus far with Bren was in Llurth Drier where we met him and the remaining members of his party alongside Temerity and a follower of Lolth named Solzyr who were trying to open a portal to what we have been told is the Astral Plane. While most of the enemies the Menagerie fought in that fight perished, Bren was the only one to have escaped.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male human with black hair, shaven face and average height of unknown age
Place of Residence
In or Close to Thaneas
Ocassionally, potentially Valencia
Organizational Affiliations
Shadow's Edge
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Shadow Monk
Known Weaknesses


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