Session 22

General Summary

The date is Thursday, 29th June

  As we head down the southeast passage we see a light floating ahead with 4 figures. 3 are from the town and additionally with them is Sellis. They explain that they were worried and came looking for us and introduce the new person. She introduces herself and explains she is looking for goblins which have been causing trouble. She asks to join the company in our exploration which we allow. the others agree to return in three days' time to check on us again and say we could leave a message.   We reach the fungus room where Fyren and Chi sneak forward. Some of the fungi here are of extreme size. As Fyren and Chi approach, they notice some of the fungi are actually mobile. Fyren quickly fireballs the fungi, some of which explode. We hear the sound of running water ahead and Fyren and Chi look ahead finding a vast cave.  
This vast cave is an amazing sight. It is dimly lit by a pale blue light that seems to emanate from the water. In the southwest, water cascades down from the ceiling into a pool below and fans out in channels along the floor. A number of hexagonal islands are connected by bridges. Crystals in the walls and ceiling glimmer and sparkle in the light. The water makes an almost musical sound as it passes through channels of various widths at different speeds. Stone benches are scattered about, some in secluded corners others occupying prominent places. It appears in the centre there is a statue.
  We wait 10 minutes for Idris to cast a detect magic ritual and venture in. we go to look at the statue in the centre. A beautiful stone dais, inlaid with crystals of marvellous hue upon which stands a giant figure of stone, a white double-bladed axe held resting over one shoulder, the other hand proffering an empty, shallow bowl. the statue appears to have illusion magic on it and seems to resemble Thyrm, the god of frost giants. Sigmund goes over to have a closer look and offers a crown to the statue. When this is done the statue speaks and says 'May the frost dwarves of Faern-Ol-Endar rest in Valhalla, may their enemies rot in Helheim, may the power of Vishnah Coalheart preserve these halls.' this room ends at the river, which we could follow but may struggle to swim in. We decide to go around and go up the northeast passageway.   In this passage, we find a Giant Scorpion. Sellis attempts to calm the giant scorpion, casting animal friendship. She convinces the scorpion that we mean it no harm and it shouldn't attack us. It ignores us and continues picking through the crystals looking for scrap food. Fyren and Chi scout south down the stream, they find a load of Kuo-toa, which Fyren quickly fireballs then backs off. combat follows. After destroying the fish-men, Sigmund continues down the river getting attacked by quippers as he goes. Ahead is a large room in which giant crystals sprout out of the ground, they seem to glow from within and fill the chamber with a blue light. within is a Carrion Crawler which scurries away. Sigmund explores the river north and the current gets stronger and the roof lower till no more can be seen.  

Faern-Ol-Endar Level 3

  Fyren and Chi decide to scout down the spiral stairway (north passage). It goes down 200-300 feet and then opens up in a large room.     
The room is lit by a cold blue light that emanates from three large, icy-looking obelisks. The glow picks out the architecture of a massive chamber, huge buttresses of carved stone arch up and support the ceiling, and stone dwarves and other beasts look down from their lofty perches. On the floor is a wonderfully crafted mosaic surrounded by cobbled paving. By the light of the obelisks, it is possible to see a grand archway to the west, two small archways to the east and another small archway in the south. In a shadowy alcove to the southwest is a large statue.   The statue appears to be of Thyrm.
  The two Scouts look in the two small archways to the east, In the centre of the first chamber are a pair of huge Woolly Mammoth tusks supported on a stand. The tusks are richly carved and decorated. The walls are lined with niches containing other horns, drums, cymbals, bells and other simple instruments. In the second chamber, strewn across the floor of this room are cloths and fabrics of many colours. Armour stands lie toppled over, the room is in disarray and has clearly been ransacked.  
In the chamber to the south, a ring of well-crafted and highly polished benches surround the cobbled floor space. A quartz chandelier hangs from the centre of the low ceiling on a short iron chain. The walls are decorated with scenes of everyday dwarven life.
  Through the large chamber to the west, the corridor splits into a north and southern corridor. From the southern corridor, we think there is a firey glow. Looking down the north, we see steps going down and opening in what we think is a large room.

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Report Date
07 Sep 2020
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