
The coastal city of Corsaless is well known amongst sailors and landlubbers alike. For those at sea, there is no better place to have your ship repaired than the ports of this city.   


Population Breakdown:   30% Elf    20% Tiefling    20% Human    10% Dwarf    10% Half-elf    10% Misc


The city of Corsaless is governed by a noble family of Tiefling, the Passell's. All trade yields a 10% bonus to the family. While some sailors and merchants protest this, most acknowledge that there are few places better to trade than Corsaless.


Travel along the coast dictates that ships must pass through Corsaless, or go around the island, which doesn't add too much time to a journey, but is a fool's gamble. Pirates often hide along the east coast of the island. Corsaless is well guarded by a fleet of capable ships known as the Thromarch Armada. These ships are more than capable of fending off pirates, but they rarely leave Corsaless.

Industry & Trade

Corsaless thrives on trade. It is very well known for its plentiful markets and quality shipyards. If you have a damaged vessel, taking it to Corsaless is your best bet for repairs and even upgrades.


The city is built on a narrow land bridge no more than a few miles long from north to south. A series of canals allow ships to pass through the city center to continue south. The city infrastructure is well kept and the city is quite beautiful when you step beyond the busy docks and ports.  
Pronounced Cor-sale-ess
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Mars and Silvia Passell, the leaders of Corsaless: