
A cultural epicenter on the east coast of Atolvance, Kynekardine formed as a haven for refugees from many different locales over time. The city places great emphasis on knowledge and education, be it academic or magical.  


Population Breakdown:   40% Human    20% Misc   10% Tiefling    10% Halfling    10% Gnome    10% Half-Orc


Kynekardine was originally ruled by geniocracy (rule by the most intelligent, wise). Over time, this motivated citizens to educate themselves in order to achieve political power. Today Kynekardine is ruled by a series of scholars, each the head of a field of education in the city's primary university, the Syom Institute.


While trade is a portion of Kynekardine's profits, most of it comes from academic pursuits. Many schools, shops, libraries and arcanists make their homes here.  


Being a cultural epicenter, many areas of the city are blended in terms of architecture. Unlike many settlements, however, districts are not divided by race. The educational nature of the city led to a greater acceptance of other cultures over time, making blended architecture common.


The city is nestled between hills on a gentle sloped coastline along the east coast of Atolvance.
Pronounced Kine-Car-Deen
Kynekardine is home to The Circle of Valion, an organization devoted to arcane research.  
Symbol of the Circle of Valion
Founding Date
96, 000
Inhabitant Demonym