The Galactic Date

The current Galactic Date is 37056.33   The Galactic Date is derived from the rotation of the galaxy. The date is calculated by the amount of degrees the galaxy has spun since the start of a galactic standard for time. To make it easier to read and use, the notation was shorted from the actual measurement of rotation. Since the Galactic Date was adopted, the galaxy has rotated 0.003705633 degrees. This is shortened and modified to read as 37056.33.   In comparison to the Galactic Year, an Earth year would be roughly 0.000001600 degrees or 16.00.

Galactic Date

0 TFS and beyond

From the founding of the Galactic Date to the present.

  • 21056 GD

    21056 GD

    The Multinational Commission on Cybernetics Safety and Efficacy
    Gathering / Conference

    The Multinational Commission on Cybernetics Safety and Efficacy was a commission set up by the states of the known galaxy to study the current market and safety of Cybernetics and to recommend practices and rules to improve safety, ethics, and the market.

  • 36256 GD

    36257 GD

    The Imperiums Fourth Expansion Crusade
    Military action
  • 36864 GD

    36864 GD

    The Creation of the DRAS on Prel
    Technological achievement

    On GD 36864, the Prel government and military commissioned the creation of android soldiers to assist in their war with the Solindrou.


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