
Table of Contents
People born from an Elf and a member of a different people-class, mammalian species.

Basic Information


They inherit characteristics of both parents to varying degrees. Their appearance depends on which species are involved and which of the parents is the Elf.   The known compatible species are:  


Mixbloods typically inherit both the Elven attunement to the Material Elements and whatever elemental powers are prevalent in the other parent's species.

Genetics and Reproduction

In most cases, they are genetically compatible with other mammalian people-type species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growth rate and maturity heavily depend on the non-Elven parent species. Typically, there are somewhere between those of both parents.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Acceptance varies wildly between cultures.   Most Elves are disgusted by such hybrids, considering them a stain on their noble lineage. Certain kingdoms go as far as officially committing genocide.   Werewolves tend to look down upon the physically weaker offsprings, and due to the long-standing conflict between the two cultures, some communities are openly hostile towards interspecies relationships.   Human attitudes cover a wide spectrum. Some consider Human-Elven hybrids highly attractive in appearance and mind. Others attribute arrogance, self-righteousness, and a lack of physical strength or work ethos to them.   Fauns are usually open-minded and welcoming to hybrids. While some may show an indecent amount of scientific curiosity, most treat these hybrids with respect and empathy.   Vampires mostly keep to themselves, but there are rumors that some clans actively seek out non-Vampiric partners in an attempt to augment their own bloodline.
Elven Term
mengblyd (official)
ky'tir (insult, literally "soiled animal")
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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