Nail Grooming Kit

Table of Contents
A set of tools for trimming and shaping fingernails - or claws, in the case of Werewolves and their descendants.



The tradition of nail grooming has been around ever since the Elven cultures began distinguishing between different social classes. In contrast to the working population, the wealthy and powerful began investing in cosmetic procedures to show their status. Within a few generations, owning a grooming kit became the norm for both men and women of the middle and upper class.

A key to survival

When the Purity Law took effect, Wolfbloods were faced with the problem that their Werewolf traits made them easily identifyable as illegal hybrids. To avoid being executed, most of them began shaving their body hair and keeping their claws short and blunt to pass as regular Elves. The demand for grooming kits rose, especially on the black market where even low-ranking workers could acquire one without raising suspicion.


A nail grooming kit typically contains the following tools in a leather casing:  
  • small, sturdy scissors for cutting the nails into an approximate shape
  • a flat piece of coarse rock for smoothing the edges after cutting
  • a thin spatula for clearing out dirt from under the nails
  Luxurious versions may also contain oils for improving the skin of the hands, or colorful dyes for decorating the nails.   Grooming kits used by Wolfbloods also tend to include a hidden pocket with a razor blade.
Item type
"Ohhh, it feels good to grow them out after all these years."

"Why did you even cut them?"

"Maybe you didn't notice, Snowflake. But not all of us can pretend to be hulking fuzzballs. ... Uh - no offense, Thakon. ... Anyway. Did you ever see such claws on an Elf?"

"... No?"

Lex explaining the importance of manicure to Feng

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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