Thakon Blackpelt

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Kirvo'Thakon (a.k.a. Thakon Blackpelt or Thakon Aurabur Bogunzeg)

An aging, battle-worn Wolfbrood who used to serve as a knight in the kingdom's army.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thakon is a tall, well-trained wolf. His black fur is starting to turn gray and he is not as agile as he used to be, but still on the healthy side. Numerous scars tell about his decades of fighting experience.   The only feature that gives away his Elven genes are the armor scales that he can summon at will.

Special abilities

Thakon inherited the elemental powers from his Elven father. His primary attunement is Ground, which helps him find stable footing even on the most difficult terrain. While he never mastered the element's offensive use, he is able to toughen his skin to some degree. He can also tap into the adjacent Element of Lava, which he uses to shape metal for keeping his sword in perfect condition.   From his mother's side, he inherited the ability to shift between humanoid and wolverine form. However, the transformation process is more exhausting for him than for a normal Werewolf, so he prefers to stick to the latter.

Apparel & Accessories

Thakon wears wrapping pants, but usually goes topless. He braids the beard on his chin and several smaller strands of his scalp hair. A broad leather belt with metal plating serves as armor for his abdomen.

Specialized Equipment

His weapon of choice is a giant two-handed sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thakon was born into a family with a long-standing tradition of serving in the royal army. Like his older brother, he was eager to follow in their ancestors' footsteps. The disdain he faced as a Mixblood only added to the motivation to prove his loyalty and earn the Elves' respect.   He spent roughly a century serving before the new king, Fir'Senim the Third, declared hybrids like him illegal. Suddenly, the people alongside whom Thakon had fought turned on him and sentenced him to death. Thakon escaped but discovered that the rest of his family had been murdered.   He started a new life where nobody knew him, and avoids using his Elven family name so that he passes for a pure Werewolf. Instead, he picked a nickname like Werewolves interacting with Elves tend to do. He also lies about his age constantly to hide his increased lifespan.


He has a practical, general education and decades of military training.


Thakon enlisted in the military after secondary school, soon after turning 30. He rose to the rank of a knight at the age of 81, but lost this title again when the Purity Law took effect.

Mental Trauma

As a war veteran, he has seen a lot of things that he will not forget. However, what affected him most is what happened to his family as a consequence of the Purity Law.   He is very bitter about being betrayed by the people for whom he had risked his life in battle. Many who had seemed to trust and respect him suddenly showed their true opinion or hid behind the excuse of just following orders. Watching his commander set his knighthood sash on fire and declare him a criminal was infuriating, but hearing his brothers-in-arms cheer truly broke his heart.   Sadly, this experience pales in comparison to what happened to his daughters and grandchildren. By the time he reached their place of residence, their families had already been publicly executed and their severed heads had been put on display as a deterrent. To some extent, Thakon is grateful that the faces were hard to recognize by that point because it helped disconnect himself from that memory. Nevertheless, it took him over a decade to push the image to the back of his mind.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is calm and reasonable with a cautious, strategic mindset.

Morality & Philosophy

His core values are loyalty, honor and persistence. He believes in confronting enemies directly and treating them with respect.

Personality Characteristics


Thakon wants to settle down in a quiet place and live out the rest of his days in peace.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes to start his day with a mug of strong tea. In his spare time, he enjoys sculpting and carving amulets or similar trinkets.   He is easily annoyed by personal drama between people around him.

Virtues & Personality perks

Thakon is responsible, dutiful and disciplined. He also believes in honesty and prefers to address problems directly or confront opponents face to face.

Vices & Personality flaws

He tends to be grumpy and cynical. Erring on the cautious side, he is quick to point out flaws or risks in other people's thinking, whether they asked for advice or not.


Family Ties

Thakon grew up with a brother who was seven years older. Shortly after Thakon entered secondary school, his father returned to the army and they grew more distant, but kept in touch via letters. Likewise, Thakon kept writing to his mother after joining the army himself, and stayed in contact with his brother who was stationed elsewhere.   At 56, Thakon married an Elven woman he had first met on a vacation in the town Mel'enur. He interrupted his service for fourteen years to raise two daughters with her, and was immensely proud when both decided to continue the family tradition. The three took their vacations together whenever possible, and when Thakon moved on to Pera'fore, his daughters followed along while his wife took up residence in the nearest city, Tor'akol.   Due to their different lifespans, Thakon outlived his mother who died when he was 103 years old. His father had taken a leave to care for her, but returned to active service after her death since 178 is barely middle age for an Elf.   Thakon's brother had to retire early at the age of 143, after a serious injury. He returned to their birthplace with his own family that consisted of a wife and three sons. To this day, Thakon regrets that he only visited them once and hardly knew them.   Thakon's wife had an accident when he was 149, falling down a flight of stairs and breaking her neck. As a result, Thakon and his daughters grew even closer, sharing the guilt over not being by her side at that time.   When the Purity Law took effect, the daughters (aged 101 and 96, respectively) were visiting their own families in Tor'akol. Thakon went searching for them as soon as he could, but was too late to save any of his descendants from execution. Despite the danger, Thakon traveled to his birthplace next, only to find that the same fate had befallen his brother's family. He never learned what happened to his father, but it is highly likely that the Elf is dead as well.

Social Aptitude

Thakon is confident but has a low frustration threshold when it comes to interpersonal conflict. Therefore, he tries to stay away from difficult people.   He prefers addressing problems directly, even if it comes across as rude and impatient. However, he generally means well and looks out for others, even if this requires him to spell out unpleasant truths.


He appears tired and exasperated most of the time. It often manifests as sighs, rolling eyes, and facepalms.


Adopt Credits
Original Artwork
Kingslayer Vol.01
Werewolf-Elf Hybrid
How I got him
design commission
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
167 years (real)
87 years (claimed)
reddish-brown with round pupils and black sclera
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
black but graying fur
3.19 m
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Northern Elvish (fluent)
Southern Wolfish (basic)
Elemental Attunement
Ground (primary)
Lava (secondary)
Body (weak)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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