Session 159 - The Ogre and the Rebel Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 159 - The Ogre and the Rebel

General Summary

25th Azura (First Month of Autumn) 722TR

The story so far

Jolanta and her trusty bodyguard Blaine are agents of the mysterious Order of the White Hand, hunting down unscrupulous mages and covering up magical mishaps.

She has been asked to report to the White Hand's agent in the City of Tashal, Lady Bresyn Risai.

Continuation of the Session 156 - Secrets of Lake Valona.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Life in the Big City

Jolanta arrives at the City of Tashal, quickly finds the Guildhall of Arcane Lore, and makes her presence as an arcanist known. This building, also known as the Chambers of the Lost Meyvinel, has only four masters, all of which are alchemists. She notices that a young man is closely observing her. However, Jolanta's suspicions are put at rest when she learns that he is the servant of Lady Bresyn Risai.

Lady Bresyn, art by Artbreeder
Lady Bresyn's large, immaculate townhouse is nearby, and it is immediately apparent that she is very wealthy. She warmly greets Jolanta and invites her to stay as a guest. The pair decide that Jolanta will pretend to be her cousin from Melderyn.

Jolanta spends her time studying at the guildhall, and outside of this, she attends social events with Lady Bresyn, meeting many of the city's rich and powerful. She often joins Lady Bresyn when she patronizes productions at the Royal Amphitheatre.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
08 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Related Characters

NPC Companion


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

Part 2 - Mission 8 - A Suspicious Brawl

A month or so later, Lady Bresyn has her first mission for Jolanta; she overheard an interesting conversation at today's church service. Nerit, a laborer, observed a brawl in the alleyway in the city's Eastside district. One of the brawlers was described as a huge, immensely strong woman with teeth filed to points. She matches the description of Ingryd the Ogre, a dangerous renegade sorcerer believed to be at large in the Kingdom of Orbaal. This needs to be looked into.

Jolanta investigates the scene of the brawl. The footprints show a fight between two people against five. One of the five is a large, heavy person, and there are signs that this individual increased in size during the fight. Among the debris of a broken crate is a damaged holy symbol, a snake swallowing its tail. A symbol of Ilvir. The investigators make their way to the local temple of Ilvir, the Church of the Yellow Hand and are welcomed and given a tour. The priests do not know of any injured worshipers visiting recently.

Pedrog, art by Artbreeder
Next, Jolanta interviews Nerit, the laborer. This nervous man knows more than he lets on, and it takes some time, and alcohol, to get useful information out of him. One of the men attacked by the large woman and some Ivinian thugs was Pedrog Cymran, a Jarinese traveler from the Kingdom of Orbaal. They were trying to kill Pednog, but he escaped and is hiding out in a nearby tenement. Jolanta makes her way there.

Jolanta avoids a falling net trap at the tenement but is shot at by a crossbow bolt from a concealed sniper. She convinces the sniper, Pedrog Cymran, that she will help get rid of the big woman trying to kill him. Pedrog, as it turns out, is a Jarinese rebel and freedom fighter. He killed a close friend of Ingryd, and she has been tracking him intent on revenge. He tells Jolanta that he is in the city to assassinate an Ivinian spy, Rolyd Geldesaan. Rolyd is a Chandler and supplied discount goods to Jarinese pilgrims to Araka-Kalai and passes on intelligence gained to some of Orbaal's worse Ivinian overlords.

Pedrog agrees to help Jolanta deal with Ingryd. They come with a plan to ambush her outside the city in the wilderness.

Part 3 - A Cunning Deception

Jolanta and Blaine set about creating a series of rumors. They are overheard in seedy taverns saying Pedrog is a coward and plans to escape the city on a pilgrimage to Araka Kali. Jolanta also finds suspicious characters with ties to the Temple of Sarajin and feeds them false information. They also purchase travel goods from the alleged spy Rolyd Geldesaan, implying that they are for Pedrog.

They are successful, word that Pedrog plans to travel north to escape the city reaches Ingryd the Orge.

Part 4 - The Orge

Ingryd, art by Artbreeder
At the first bell, the next morning, Jolanta leaves the city making her way across Balasa bridge and travels North, then into the woods prepares an ambush. Blaine and Pedrog follow an hour later. Blaine's observant eyes detect that they are being followed. Ingryd the Orge leads a small party including a Priest of Sarajin and two Ivinian Thugs.

At the prearranged location Blaine and Pedrog suddenly run into the woods. The pursuers follow while Jolanta hides and prepares a disintegration blast. Ingryd acts first. The big woman casts her a Slow Spell, and suddenly Pedrog and Blaine find their thoughts and actions dulled. The Ivinians run forward to attack the lethargic warriors. Jolanta has no choice but to strike them with a Corrosive Blast which gives away her location. One of the Ivinians dies, and Ingryd is injured. The Priest of Sarajin calls on the fury of the God of the Icy Wind and conjured a Blast of Cold that is so strong it overwhelms Jolanta. She gets frostbite and passes out.

Worse, Ingryd roars with rage, and her magic fuels a transformation. She grows to twice her size, knocking Blaine aside as she passes. She savagely pounds the slowed Pedrog with her meaty fist and bites him with sharpened teeth. He scores a few hits in slow motion, but they barely penetrate her thick skin. Wounded, he eventually breaks free of the slow spell and attempts to escape. She pursues leaving Blaine to battle the Ivinians.

Blaine kills the remaining Ivinian Thug but is battered by icy blasts from the Priest, who cunningly keeps him at range. Eventually, Blaine overcomes the slow spell and deals with the Priest. He then gives Jolanta one of his healing potions. Meanwhile, Ingryd Slows Pedrog again then catches up to him, grabs him, and snaps his neck, throwing his corpse on the ground. The severely weakened Jolanta believes Ingryd in her enlarged form is too dangerous and turns herself and Blaine Invisible. Ingryd searches for the well-hidden heroes, then she concludes that they have fled. She returns to human size and prepares to return to the city. Jolanta seizes her opportunity and strikes her from behind with a series of Corrosive Rays. However, that does not stop her. Luckily Blaine finishes her off with a well placed arrow.

Jolanta conceals the bodies in a shallow grave, returns to the city, and reports to Lady Bresyn the successful outcome of the mission. One less rogue magic user on the list of Renegade Spellcasters.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Lady Bresyn Risai.

Pedrog Cymran.

Nerit, the laborer.

Rolyd Geldesaan.

Challenges Overcome

Jolanta uncovered a possible spy and delivered justice to the renegade Ingryd the Orge.

Created Content

Lady Bresyn Risai.

Guildhall of Arcane Lore - Chambers of the Lost Meyvinel.

Related Reports

City of Tashal - Updated.

List of Renegade Spellcasters - Updated.

Temple of Ilvir - Church of the Yellow Hand.



Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 7 Evoker.

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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