Session 360 - Montesa's Sword Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 360 - Montesa's Sword

General Summary

The Story So Far

Ash - An expert in the occult and a skilled monster hunter. Ash uses his talents and budding alchemical expertise to battle the things people fear most for a price.

Ryobi - A monk of the embattled Order of the Warriors of Mameka. Ryobi is given an important mission; retrieve the holy blades containing the souls of his brother knights, which were lost in the recent Rethemi civil war.

They are joined by Vinzent, a bard with a morbid demeanor and a haunted past.

This is the continuation of Session 357 - A Cursed Well.

Location - The City of Golotha in the Kingdom of Rethem.

20th Agrazhar (Summer) 727TR

Part 1 - The Branded Priest

The Church of the Glory of Ilvir is managed by the Order of Pia-Gardith, a sect dedicated to studying and showing the world the glory of the god Ilvir through his creations, the monstrous Ivashu. Its clergy combines hunters, scientists, scholars, and clerics. Controversial, they also supply Ivashu to the gladiatorial Pamesani Games. Surprisingly, one of the priests has requested a meeting with Ryobi, not Ash, the experienced monster hunter.

Oglum the Equani, art by Artflow
Brother Oglum is a most unusual priest. He is tall, strong, and a former gladiator as well as being an Equani barbarian from a tribe noted for ritually branding their faces after every significant event in their lives. Oglum travels the Peran wilderness, often conversing with the Kubora barbarians, and has learned some information that may interest Ryobi.

“I was camping with a Delerni Kubora hunting party, and they told the story of Bowskii, their warchief. After the great battle a few years ago, he claimed one of your swords from the battlefield.” He points at Ryobie’s Sykaif blade. Ryobi's Order will go to any lengths to recover lost swords, as the souls of weapons wielders are bound to them. Oglum continues. Bowskii became sick in the head, becoming unpleasant and losing all his friends and supporters. Surprising everyone, he left the tribe and was last seen at an old ruined keep near the southern border of the Delerni Kubora tribal lands, haunted by the demons of Agrik. “

Ryobi thanks Oglum for the information and asks what he wants for this information. The cleric only responds to trust and friendship. He may need the party’s help in the future, capturing a particularly dangerous monster. 

Part 2 - Hunters

Following Oglum's directions, the heroes enter the forest. Their search is interrupted by a roar, and a huge, angry brown bear rushes them. The heroes kill it, and they have food for a few days.

The next day, Ryobi spots movement in the trees; the party hides as three Kuboran warriors pass nearby. These tribesmen usually murder trespassers on their lands, especially the warriors of Rycon's Order of Warrior Monks. The Warriors of Mameka have crusaded against the Kubora for decades. Unfortunately, Vinzent makes a sound and draws their attention. The heroes have to kill these men and hide their bodies. 

Part 3 – A Ruined Keep

The party spots the ruined keep, which appears deserted despite a distinct smell of brimstone, an odor often associated with Agrikian demons and rituals. As the heroes approach, they hear growls, and suddenly, two huge, fiendish dogs appear, Hell Hounds. They attack immediately, scorching the heroes with their flaming breath, but are soon dispatched.

The party climbs into the Keep, pushing through the wreckage. They hear sound above Bopwskii. The insane Kuboran has arrived, and he is wielding a mamakan holy sword. The warrior is gaunt but muscled, has pale, sickly skin, and has large black rings around his bloodshot eyes. He jumps down and, ignoring the more martial Ash and Ryobi, runs and attacks Vinzent with reckless abandon. Vinzent is nearly killed, badly bleeding, but he manages to slip away.

The madman then strikes again, this time nearly killing Ryobi; he is a fast, strong, brutal fighter who is seemingly resistant to pain. While fighting, he appears distracted, shouting abuse in a random direction. Then, as the heroes become exhausted and concerned, the madman starts cleaving at the air. This moment of insanity allows Ryobi and Ash to find an opening and kill the brute.

Suddenly, Robie spots something. A faint outline of a female warrior appears, glimmering in the light where the barbarian is attacking. This is the phantom of Montesa, one of the few female knights of Ryobi’s Order and the former wielder of this sword. The spirit of Montesa, bound to the sword, was driving the barbarian blade thief mad.

Part 4 – Another Soul is Freed

Sir Bisidril , art by Artbreeder
Ryobi, with all due reverence, returns the sword to the priests of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel. They perform a solemn ceremony and release Sister Montesa's soul to the afterlife. The high priest, Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, the Apalankh of Hârn, is well pleased and informs Ryobi that he will be amply rewarded if another sword is recovered. Another of the twelve missing swords from the Battle of Rylosin Forest has been regained.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Klyrdes Bisidril - the Harnic Apalankh.

Brother Oglum, the Equani - Priest of Ilvir.

Related Articles

Church of the Glory of Ilvir - minor update.

Equani Barbarians.

Kubora Barbarians - updated.

Order of the Warriors of Mameka and Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

Mamekan Blades, Alchemical Weapons and Martial Arts.

Player Characters

Ryobi - Human - L2 Monk

Background - Temple Guard.

Archetypes - Barbarian.

Ash - Human - L2 Thaumaturge

Background - Weaponcrafter.

Archetypes - Alchemist.

NPC Companion

Vinzent - Human - L2 Bard

Background - Cursed.

Archetypes - Blessed.

Next Session

Session 361 - Lost Books.

Monster Hunters
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Secondary Location

Order of the Warriors of Mameka

Warriors of Mameka.jpg
by Columbia Games

NPC Companion


He is a skilled minstrel who is infamous for his depressing performances.


Vinzent, art by Artflow

Cover image: by Attacus


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