Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, Apalankh of Hârn Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, Apalankh of Hârn

Much of the inspiration and details were developed from Colombia Games sources.

Klyrdes Bisidril, Sir

Sir Klyrdes Bisidril is a wealthy and powerful knight. Although he is out of favor with the current Lord Regent and, by extension, the King, he wields immense power in the Kingdom of Rethem and is respected and feared in equal measure. Many rivals plot his downfall, but he has seen off all threats to date.

He holds many positions of power and titles.

Lord of Vinarsa Manor, with six vassal fiefs, held directly from the King.

Senesharil (grandmaster) of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel and has much influence over the fighting order, The Warriors of Mameka.

Viriahn (high priest), Sir Klyrdes is the high priest of the largest, most powerful Agrikan temple in the City of Golotha.

As Apalankh (the agrikian primate of Hârn) he commands respect and tithes of all agrikan nobles, temples, and chapterhouses in the kingdom.

He is the Chairman of the Heptarchial Council, which runs Golotha.

Members of his extended clan hold high office in various clerical and fighting orders.

Sir Klyrdes is descended from a bastard daughter of the morgathic prophet Balsha. This and his ruthless competence earn him support from the powerful Church of Morgath.

He is dedicated to his order’s goal of establishing an Agrikan theocracy in western Hârn but is not overly pious. He is a pragmatist, confident and competitive, and works closely with the Morgathian Gurim to destroy the Laranian forces in Kanday.

Current Location
Year of Birth
673 TR 54 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Attacus
Character Portrait image: Sir Bisidril , art by Artbreeder


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