Gentleman's League of Explorers and Adventurers Building / Landmark in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Gentleman's League of Explorers and Adventurers

The League of Explorers and Adventurers
Map of the general layout of the League of Explorers and Adventurers.

Purpose / Function

Originally established to be a social club for gentleman explorers and adventurers, after Wendall Wallaces's death, it was passed onto a group of unexpecting adventurers who have turned it into a base of operations.


The stone statue of Wendall Wallace riding majestically on horseback has been destroyed by a manogel shot. The topiary owlbear created by Reginald Mossstride looks more like an owlbear since Tertius' giving him an illustration of one.


The League has a kobold-built mangonel.


Since the routing of the black dragon, Ydarion the Night Cutter, the League guildhall has become a bit of a tourist attraction for the farmers and residents around Eastbridge.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)