Eastbridge Vale Geographic Location in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Eastbridge Vale

A small vale sheltered between the Scarlet Hills and the Wildthorn River. Eastbridge is walled town that was used as an expedition point deeper into Baeddan when it was first formed. Now it serves as the seat for Duke Hueck Greyhall who rules the duchy beneath the Petty Queen Finnea Mirabar.
Eastbridge Vale, circa 288 DR
A small vale sheltered between the Scarlet Hills and the Wildthorn River. Eastbridge is walled town that was used as an expedition point deeper into Baeddan when it was first formed. Now it serves as the seat for Duke Tertius Greyhall who rules the duchy beneath the Petty Queen Finnea Mirabar.


  • The League of Explorers and Adventurers
    Map of the general layout of the League of Explorers and Adventurers.
Eastbridge Vale, circa 288 DR
A small vale sheltered between the Scarlet Hills and the Wildthorn River. Eastbridge is walled town that was used as an expedition point deeper into Baeddan when it was first formed. Now it serves as the seat for Duke Tertius Greyhall who rules the duchy beneath the Petty Queen Finnea Mirabar.