Moontide Trade League Organization in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Moontide Trade League

The Trade League’s philosophy is based on the idea that the best way to bring power and prestige over the Isles is to expand trade with the Oleander Throne. They believe that an agreement can be made with the Oleander Throne to keep the Isles autonomous from their rule through dedicated trade and expansion. Trade with the mainland is very lucrative, as the Oleander Throne is very selective about who they trade with. They seek to gain political leaders in their organization to help promote larger change.
Political, Faction / Party


While the Dunaid Loyalists are not particularly pleased with the Trade League doing business with the Oleander Throne, they believe that open relations might soothe the Oleander peoples and dissuade them from war. The Trade League supports the Dunaid Loyalists as a central government would protect their trade ships as well as monitor taxes on trade.

Mostly Uninvolved

The Trade League would very much like to open trade relations with the Wayfarers to expand their trade and business, though the Wayfarers have little interest in overseas trade and typically have no interest or relations with the Trade League.

Open Raiding

The Trade League opposes the Harbingers as their raids are a threat to commerce. The Harbingers tend to (mostly) respect the seas near many of the Isles, but in deeper waters, raiding the Trade League ships is fair game to the Harbingers.

Opposed, Often Aggressive

The Sarifal Faithful have no interest in trade or commerce as it is anathema to their cause. Instead, the Faithful often sabotage any efforts of the Trade League to expand or grow their industry. While not officially sanctioned, it is not uncommon for frustrated Trade League members to offer bounties on those of the Faithful.


The Defenders of the Wyld take a hard stance against the Trade League, believing that trade will only further industry which will continue to destroy the Isles. The Trade League opposes the Defenders' strength as when they become stronger they become more bold and cut off industry and trade and operate to enact agendas where logging or mining might be banned.