Dunaid Loyalists Organization in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Dunaid Loyalists

The Loyalists are convinced that the Isles will be stronger if unified under a common monarch. Aislinn Dunaid is the current High Queen, and they wish to see that all of the Isles recognize the primacy of the High Queen. It is their belief that the advance of the Oleander Throne and their monotheistic worship of the All-Father provides the most dangerous threat to the Isles. They perceive a unified Isles under a single leader is the only way to keep their Isles safe from the Oleander Throne’s advances.

Known Members

High Queen Aislinn Dunaid, Current High Monarch of the Moontide Isles
Queen Emeldawn Alistair, Petty Queen of the Kingdom of Louth on Baeddan
Political, Faction / Party


It was High King Lugh Dunaid who was responsible for the reemergence of the Guardians of the Isles. This gives the Defenders of the Wyld reason to support the High Monarch. The Dunaid family has a legacy of druidic studies and it further supports the symbiotic union between the two factions.


While the Dunaid Loyalists are not particularly pleased with the Trade League doing business with the Oleander Throne, they believe that open relations might soothe the Oleander peoples and dissuade them from war. The Trade League supports the Dunaid Loyalists as a central government would protect their trade ships as well as monitor taxes on trade.

Slipping Relations

Opposing, Mostly Non-Aggressive

The Harbingers believe in freedom of the isles and the Northlander people, wanting to dissolve the High Monarchy of the Isles.