Harbingers of Liberation Organization in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Harbingers of Liberation

The Harbingers are formed mostly from Northlanders who have grown frustrated with their leadership and the relative peace with the Daoine. The Harbingers are under the leadership of The Ice Maiden, a Northlander leader who has rebelled against the High Queen and the Jarls and offers independence and freedom with no more kings. She promotes a society where individuals can make their own ways. They are a rebellious movement, but its followers are passionate and believe it to be a noble cause.

Known Members

The Ice Maiden, Leader
Roald, Northander sailor in Caer Craftenor
Political, Faction / Party
Notable Members


While the Harbingers do not wish to give up their isle territories, they have a great respect for the fey and the powers that be in the isle and do not wish to upset them.


The Defenders of the Wyld neither oppose or assist the Harbingers as a group.

Open Raiding

The Trade League opposes the Harbingers as their raids are a threat to commerce. The Harbingers tend to (mostly) respect the seas near many of the Isles, but in deeper waters, raiding the Trade League ships is fair game to the Harbingers.

Opposing, Mostly Non-Aggressive

The Harbingers believe in freedom of the isles and the Northlander people, wanting to dissolve the High Monarchy of the Isles.