Sarifal Faithful Organization in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Sarifal Faithful

The Sarifal Faithful believe that the fey are a natural and acceptable part of the Isles. They seek to expand the connection of the Isles to the Feywild, believing that they Fey are the true power of the Isles. They are named after Sarifal, the first Fey settlement of the Isles that became the crown and capital of their kingdom in days past. However, as the fey retreated back to the Feywild, Sarifal fell. The Faithful look to bring back Sarifal and wish to return the Isles to Fey rule, believing that this is what was meant for the Isles and this is the best way to protect the Isles from the Oleander Throne.
Political, Faction / Party


While the Harbingers do not wish to give up their isle territories, they have a great respect for the fey and the powers that be in the isle and do not wish to upset them.

Opposed, Often Aggressive

The Sarifal Faithful have no interest in trade or commerce as it is anathema to their cause. Instead, the Faithful often sabotage any efforts of the Trade League to expand or grow their industry. While not officially sanctioned, it is not uncommon for frustrated Trade League members to offer bounties on those of the Faithful.