
Narahm (a.k.a. The Great Leviathan (Daoine), Linnormr (Northlanders), Hirilonde (Elven))

Narahm, the ruler of the Seafoam Court, embodies both the harmony where land and sea meet, but also the dangers that it can hold. He is an ancient archfey who commands respect from both his wisdom and his strength. More than any of the other archfey, he has spent much more time within the mortal realms, serving as a protector of the Isles. Though his actions may seem unpredictable to the mortals of the Isles, he is not one to act with impulse or whim.   Within his glamoured form, he stands tall and elegant sylvan man with copper reddish skin and long white hair that cascades down his shoulders. He keeps a neatly trimmed white beard and often has barnacles stuck to his skin. He wears loose, flowing robes of blue-grey, simple and they sway like the tide. His voice is surprisingly soothing and calm, never raised in volume in anger, even when invoking destruction.   He is one of the most well-known of the archfey within the Isles, though he is usually viewed without the depth that he truly carries. He is known as the Great Leviathan in the Isles, and he destroyed fleets of Northlander ships during their first invasion to raid the Isles en masse. The survivors of the attack formed the Northlander settlements that survive today. He was present when the Oleander Throne sent its naval assault, destroying the entire fleet. Because of this, the Great Leviathan is feared throughout the Isles, despite the gentle archfey that Narahm truly is.   He rules the Seafoam Court, which is the border of land and sea, and that is where his strength is the greatest, protecting the borders of the Isles. But where the sea touched the green land is where he formed his relationship with Acacia, his lover.   He is attuned to the tides and rhythms of the waters, growing most powerful when the tide is highest, and being weakest when the tide is lowest. He is not just a protector of the borders of the Isles, but also of the sealife within the ocean, making certain that there is always harmony between the fishers and their quarry.   He has a great barbed spear, Gae Bulg, that he uses when needed, for it causes terrible wounds in any it strikes. Within the waters, he takes on many forms from a giant tentacled Kraken to a great whale. He is the embodiment of the borderland of sea and land.   In 288 DR, Narahn was imprisoned by the Oleander Throne agents in Paraetonium on Ilfor. The Wizard Silence was in charge of the operation and succeeded in baiting the Leviathan out and then piercing it with a large cold iron lance mounted on the bow of one of their ships. Once pierced, the Leviathan fell to the ocean floor where it was bound my a magic that employed a circle of great undersea plinths. While the Leviathan was captured, it's wound from the iron lance did not heal and the blood from it turned to coral once it hit the ground. The Oleander forces in Paraetonium extracted the magical energies from the collected coral to create magic arms and items to ready themselves for battle. While imprisoned, the Oath of the Ancient paladin Zadoc Marlin made connection with the Leviathan and it told him its name is Narahm, and it's lover is Acacia, the Reaching Green. Zadoc Marlin also recovered the Leviathan's weapon, Gae Bulg.
Current Location
Current Residence
Seafoam Court
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Copper reddish
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations