The Iron Court

The Iron Court is an anomaly among the fey courts, shunned and feared by both the Seelie and Unseelie alike. Unlike the vibrant, whimsical, and nature-bound societies of their peers, the Iron Court is cold, mechanical, and rigid. Its members, once vibrant fey, have lost the spark of creativity and magic that is the very essence of their kind. This loss is a direct result of their obsession with iron, the bane of all fey. Through their extensive use of this metal, they have traded their ethereal, natural beauty for grim efficiency and precision.   The landscape of the Iron Court is a far cry from the enchanted forests and shimmering groves of other fey realms. Instead, it is a world of clockwork towers, grinding gears, and churning pistons. Mechanical constructs scuttle about, serving their fey masters, while great machines toil endlessly in vast factories. The sky is often a dark, oppressive gray, choked by smog from the forges and engines that power the court’s creations. The air hums with the sound of grinding metal, and the earth is littered with iron filings and discarded parts.   The architecture of the Iron Court reflects its steampunk aesthetic—grand, industrial buildings built of dark iron and brass, adorned with rivets, pipes, and gears. Everything seems functional yet lifeless, built not for beauty but for efficiency. Even the flora and fauna have been altered; trees are twisted into wrought-iron sculptures, and the once-fey creatures are now mechanical versions of their former selves, powered by steam and cogs.   The fey who reside in the Iron Court are almost unrecognizable from their former selves. Their once-glimmering eyes have dulled, their graceful movements replaced by mechanical efficiency. They bear the marks of their obsession with iron—skin that is cold to the touch and pale, like tarnished silver, with veins of dark iron running beneath the surface. Many of them wear mechanical augmentations, replacing limbs or enhancing their bodies with iron and brass contraptions.   Their creativity, the spark that once defined them as fey, has been eroded by their constant exposure to iron. Instead of crafting art or weaving enchantments, they now produce machinery—cold, lifeless constructs devoid of imagination. This loss of creativity has left them bitter and hollow, though they excel at creating functional, clockwork inventions. They pride themselves on their precision and pragmatism, but there is an undercurrent of melancholy in their work. Deep down, they know they have lost something vital.   The court is ruled by King Ferron, a former archfey whose obsession with industry and iron led him to this grim transformation. Ferron, once a being of boundless creative energy, now resembles an iron statue brought to life, his skin metallic and his eyes cold as steel. He commands the court with an iron will, believing that progress through mechanical means is the only future for the fey. His subjects obey him without question, their free will and creativity dulled by their dependence on the very metal that poisons them.   The culture of the Iron Court revolves around production and efficiency. There are no grand feasts, no revelry, and no art. Instead, the fey of the Iron Court focus on constructing machines, creating new mechanical beings, and improving their forges. Every action is calculated, every movement purposeful. There is no room for spontaneity or creativity, and any sign of imagination is viewed as a weakness—a reminder of what they have lost.   The Iron Court sees itself as superior to the Seelie and Unseelie courts, believing that the other fey are too tied to the whims of nature and magic. To the Iron Court, magic is unreliable and inefficient, while iron is permanent, dependable, and productive. They disdain the frivolousness of the Seelie and the cruelty of the Unseelie, seeing themselves as practical and logical in comparison. However, this belief only further isolates them, as neither the Seelie nor the Unseelie can abide their use of iron, which is toxic to fey.   The Iron Court is universally shunned by other fey courts. The Seelie view the Iron Court as a tragic waste, their potential smothered by their obsession with the metal that strips away their creativity. The Unseelie view the Iron Court with disdain, seeing them as hollow, emotionless husks that have forsaken the true nature of the fey for cold, mechanical logic.   Because of this, the Iron Court is largely isolated from the greater fey realms. They dwell in their own mechanical kingdom, rarely interacting with the outside world unless necessary. When they do venture out, it is usually to acquire more resources or metals for their machines. However, some of the more curious or desperate courts may seek out the Iron Court’s assistance for their unparalleled craftsmanship in mechanical devices, though such alliances are often fraught with tension.   The Iron Court is renowned for its mastery of mechanical technology. The court’s forges produce complex machines and clockwork constructs that are unrivaled in precision and durability. These machines range from simple devices—such as automated forges and self-repairing armor—to immense war machines capable of devastating entire armies.   One of the Iron Court’s most notable creations is the Iron Golems, hulking mechanical creatures that serve as their guardians and enforcers. These golems are powered by steam and enchanted iron, their movements slow but unstoppable. In battle, they are nearly indestructible, impervious to most forms of magic, and capable of crushing opponents with their immense strength.   The fey of the Iron Court also construct smaller, more intricate devices, such as mechanical insects used for spying, clockwork birds that deliver messages, and automatons designed for menial tasks. These creations, though devoid of the magic and beauty of traditional feycraft, are marvels of engineering in their own right.   At its core, the Iron Court is a tragedy. It represents what happens when fey forsake their inherent nature, trading their connection to magic, creativity, and the natural world for cold, mechanical efficiency. The fey of the Iron Court have gained power and control over iron, but at the cost of their very souls. They have become like the machines they build—functional, efficient, but ultimately lifeless. Though they pride themselves on their creations, there is an undeniable sorrow in the Iron Court, a longing for the magic and creativity they once possessed but can never regain.

Demography and Population

There are few individual settlements within the Court, instead a massive city full of dormitories is the primary residence within the realm. Few Eladrin reside in the Court, for those who do remain soon find themselves barely Eladrin. Iron golems walk the streets and the fey engineers known as the Cogwright are responsible for maintaining the Court, no longer able to create art or magic but instead focus solely on keeping the Court's machinery running. Once beautiful and melodious with their song to lure people in, the sirens who reside here now call out work whistles that lure in the next shift of workers.

The world turns by gears, not dreams.

Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members