Thrice-Nine Kingdom

The Thrice-Nine Kingdom is a fey court that exists on the fringes of Seelie and Unseelie influence. It is a realm of dark beauty and mystical enchantment, ruled by Vasilisa the Beautiful, also known as Princess Vasilisa. The land is imbued with an air of ancient magic and mystery, inhabited by hags and other beings drawn to its unique blend of charm and danger.   The kingdom's landscape is characterized by dense, shadowy forests, rolling hills, and frozen lakes that shimmer with an otherworldly light. The forests are filled with towering, ancient trees with twisted branches that seem to whisper secrets to those who wander too close. Snow-covered landscapes are common, interspersed with patches of enchanted flora that bloom in vivid, magical colors.   The architecture of the Thrice-Nine Kingdom combines intricate wooden structures with ornate, Gothic elements. Majestic, multi-tiered wooden dachas (traditional country houses) with elaborate carvings and gilded details dot the landscape. In the heart of the kingdom stands the grand palace of Princess Vasilisa, an imposing yet beautiful edifice with spires, intricate patterns, and an ever-changing facade that reflects the shifting moods of its ruler.   The atmosphere of the court is both enchanting and foreboding. The air is filled with the scent of pine and frost, and the sky often features swirling, ethereal auroras. The light is dim and mysterious, casting long shadows and giving the land an aura of timelessness. Despite the frost and snow, the far border of the Thrice-Nine Kingdom consists of a flaming river and the forest beyond the flaming river resides Baba Yaga in the Thrice-Ten Kingdom.   Princess Vasilisa, also known as Vasilisa the Beautiful, is the ruling archfey of the Thrice-Nine Kingdom. She is a striking figure, her beauty both captivating and intimidating. She has long, flowing hair that seems to shimmer with a silver-blue light, and her eyes are a deep, icy blue that can convey both warmth and a chilling coldness. Her attire often includes elaborate garments adorned with intricate patterns, fur trims, and mystical symbols.   Vasilisa is a ruler of great elegance and sophistication, yet her demeanor carries an air of aloofness and inscrutability. She is known for her grace and poise, but her decisions can be unpredictable. She is deeply connected to the magic of her land, and her actions are guided by a blend of ancient wisdom and personal whim.   The court’s ceremonies are often tied to the cycles of nature and the changing seasons. Rituals may involve elaborate dances around ancient, enchanted trees, offerings to the spirits of the forest, and celebrations of both the winter solstice and the arrival of spring.   Art in the Thrice-Nine Kingdom reflects its dark beauty and enchantment, with intricate wood carvings, ornate textiles, and mystical symbols. Music is characterized by haunting melodies and choral arrangements that evoke both the serenity and the danger of the winter landscape.   The Thrice-Nine Kingdom maintains a somewhat isolated stance, interacting with other fey courts cautiously. Its unique blend of beauty and danger makes it a realm of both fascination and wariness among its neighbors.   The Thrice-Nine Kingdom is a realm of mystical beauty and dark enchantment, governed by Princess Vasilisa. It is a land where ancient magic and folklore come alive, creating a court that exists on the fringes of traditional fey dynamics and embraces its own unique blend of charm and danger.

Demography and Population

The Thrice-Nine Kingdom hosts settlements of mostly winter eldarin, though some of the other seasons of eldarin make home here, the winter eldarin are the most comfortable. The Thrice-Nine Kingdom is known for its great hags who reside in abundance within the realm. Rusalka, ethereal water spirits, dwell within the lakes and rivers and Morozko's Children, graceful fey ice-like figures, wander through the cold. Despite the cold, the firebird, golden in her hot feathers, resides in the realm with serpents and golden-maned horses.

May we suffer as much sorrow as drops of wine we are about to leave in our glass.

Alternative Names
Faraway Tsardom
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members