Court of Fools

The Court of Fools is a chaotic, ever-shifting realm that exists outside the rigid structure of both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Here, the solemn traditions, grandiose displays of power, and carefully curated elegance of the other fey courts are turned on their heads, twisted into a never-ending farce. It is a place where nothing is sacred, and every fey—whether noble, knight, or commoner—risks becoming the butt of the next grand joke. The court thrives on absurdity and satire, reflecting its ruler's disdain for the gravitas of fey politics.   Hyrsam, the satyr King of Fools, presides over this court with a playful malevolence. A master of music and mischief, Hyrsam is both jester and tyrant, dancing between lightheartedness and cruelty. His laughter can fill the air with joy, or it can cut through the heart like a blade. Hyrsam revels in the chaos of his domain, using song and humor to tear down the pomp of Seelie grace and the cold, sinister dignity of the Unseelie. He surrounds himself with a motley crew of jesters, tricksters, and performers—fey who either fell from grace or chose to reject the rigid hierarchies of the other courts.   The landscape of the Court of Fools is as unpredictable as its inhabitants. One moment it resembles a twisted carnival, with bright, clashing colors and outlandish spectacles, and the next, it shifts to a chaotic masquerade of distorted shapes and mocking echoes. Mazes of mirrors distort not only reflections but also the identities of those who wander through, forcing visitors to confront bizarre caricatures of themselves. The entire realm pulses with an ever-present rhythm of manic music, keeping its inhabitants in a state of perpetual motion, as if standing still would be the ultimate folly.   No court is safe from Hyrsam's ridicule, and his minions take special delight in lampooning the most esteemed archfey from both Seelie and Unseelie factions. Elaborate parodies of the Queen of Elphame's courtly splendor or the Fractured Princess's eerie stillness are performed with reckless abandon, often leaving visitors uncertain whether to laugh, cry, or run. However, beneath the buffoonery, there is a subversive wisdom in the Court of Fools—a reminder that power, no matter how grand, can be just as fragile as the most ridiculous jest.

Demography and Population

The Court attracts anarchists and satirists as well as those who may be fleeing judgement of their own courts. Eladrin of any season can be found here in the settlements and endless celebrations. Harlequin satyrs see for the festivities to continue without end. Trickster fey of all kinds find themselves in the Court of Fools, but pixies find themselves particularly at home within the Court. Puca reside within the court with ease and comfort. Performers and musicians often find welcome in the Court, though usually only remaining until the frivolity becomes too much for them.


The Law of Contradiction. All statements made to the Court must be immediately contradicted by their speaker, such as "I am happy! But I am also miserable!" The Rule of Mirrors. Upon entering the court, everyone must greet their reflection and must bow to it. The Rule of Rhyme. Rhyming accidentally is an insult to the Court and the accidental rhymer must beg the King's forgiveness. The Emperor's Clothes. The King may not wear any clothes, but the Court will applaud and speak in awe of the King's clothing.

Dignity is but a mask.

Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization