Uralsean History from 0 CC to Present Day

  • 12 PCC

    28 /5 17:00

    The Czerezen Crisis
    Military: War

    The Czerezen Crisis was a war spanning across the entirety of Uralease originating in the most northwest regions. The war lasted from the 28th of Lise 12 PCC to the 42nd of Breyfall 0 CC. The war led to the deaths of well over 80 million people and the destruction of uncounted artifacts.

  • 64 CC

    11 /3 03:00
    70 CC

    5 /1 01:00

    The Unification of Raventiva

    In the year 64 CC Sandro Berruchi acted on his dream of a united kingdom under Ravensroc. Over a 6 year period Sandro conquered and made deals, brining near the entirety of the Basilruzzo region under the banner of the newly formed Kingdom of Raventiva.

  • 311 CC

    13 /2 03:00
    311 CC

    13 /2 03:00

    The End of the Berruchi Dynasty

    On the 13th of Byrneal, 311, Celio Berruchi passed of natural causes. His death marked the end of the Berruchi Dynasty, and the beginning of the Dawnstar's.

  • 311 CC

    23 /2 14:00
    321 CC

    42 /6 03:00

    Raventivan High War
    Military: War

    The Raventivan High war was a civil war fought between Adrys Dawnstar, Raniro Valburn, Gisella Genovesi, and Venceslao Anthargo over the Feathered Seat.