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The Blessed Flyers

A race of feathered winged humans and have eyes that lack pupils and irises. The are a proud warrior race whose orgins are linked to devout followers of the Sky, light, weapon and wind gods They are agile flyers and are typically have strong magic and life force. They are also known as the Sky people, Feathered ones, or flying knights. Their Sky people nickname aroose as their were one of the first races who could all fly. Thus they came to dominate the sky in the territoties they inhabit. The "Feathered one" title is a direct reference to their appearance. Their feathered wings is their defining traits and a great sense of pride in their culture. Lastly the "Flying Knight" name actually is used sarcastically by other cultures. Many of these cultures view angels as a self righteous society who focus too much on values such as honor and Intergrity, However the names also referes to appearance o fthe many angel warriors that travel on crusades of justice.   Angels are known to live in hierarchical societies they call Orders. Orders typically are held together by a common belief, origin or region and provide a purpose for a group of angels. They also serve to mantain the cultures histories and train the younger generations to fullfil their roles in the order. Also most angelic cultures are Intellectual warrior soceities that have them sounght out as judges, protectors and avengers.

Basic Information


For the most part Angels appears like mages. Angels tend to have average build compared to mage. However their defining feature are their feathered wings on their back. The anount, size and appearnce varies of the feather vaires for he different variants, and further vary from each indiviual. Angels have devised many ways to hide their wings using special runes, when wings become cumbersome. Their wings are a conduit for sky magic which allows them to fly regardless of phyics. There other physical difference from mage is their eyes. Angels have pupliess eyes that are white or pale yellow.Their skin typically varies from fair to tan.

Biological Traits


There are three variants of fullblood Angels. They were orginally formed based on which god their favored during their origins. Now variants are genetically passes down, but their are mutatuion, epeicaly with mixed variant heritage. Variants type emerges during puberty. It is also
Cherubs favored the wind god during their origin. Thus they would become the most agile and fastest flyers for the variants. However on avrage they are the weakest magic users of the angel variants Their also orginally had the strogest wind magic users. members of their variant are noted by a single pair of wings. Their wings can expand with magic manipulations. They tend of have the messenger and scouting roles among their orders
Cherub Class Angel
Archane favored the weapon god during their origin Thus they would become the most sturdy and strongest flyers of the variants. However their are also the slowest flyers Their also orginally had the strogest weapon magic users. members of their variant are noted by a single pair of metallic wings. Their wings can also be harden and sharpen with magic manipulations. They tend of have the guardian and building roles among their orders
Seraph favored theLight god during their origin. Thus they would become the strongest magic users of the variants. However their are also the clumsiest flyers Their also orginally had the strogest Light magic users. Members of their variant are noted by a double pair of feathered wings. Their wings can illuminate with magic manipulationsc. They tend of have the magic using or Historian roles among their orders

Genetics and Reproduction

Angels typical choose their mate during their teenage years and usually enter a ifelong marriage pact by ttime they are 20. this is becuase most females are unable to have a ful term pergancy til they reach to their early 20s. Angel menstural cycles take last about 2 months. Pregancy typical last a little over a year. During a pregancy angel mothers are establishing the magial connection of their child. THus it becoem increasing more difficult to perform magic as the pregancy progresses. Toward the end they can barely even fly. It is vary rare for twins to be born

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Child (Age -: ngel newborns they have miniture wings that are unable to fully open. After about1-2 years they will open their wings and learn the basics of flying. the wing size and endurance grows porportionaly with the child
  • Teen (Age 7-17) : Adolescence begins their wings start to specialize according to their variant. Also as their wings specialize they start to gain thier primary magic and magic control. Their bodies also begin develop to sexual maturity.
  • Adult (Age 17-80):Once Shadai reach sexual maturity their wings will fully specialize. As ab adult thie will be at their physically strongest.
  • Elder (Age ~80+): As an elder an agels physical body beging to weaken and even their eyesight can be effected. However this is when their magic is strongest. THis means elders are also the strongest flyers.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Angels are known to live in hierarchical societies they call Orders. Orders typically are held together by a common belief, origin or region and provide a purpose for a group of angels. They also serve to mantain the cultures histories and train the younger generations to fullfil their roles in the order. The highest position is known as the magistrate. They are usually the most skilled and respected elder angel. They can be male or female and are typically choosen from among the elders of the order. In bloodline bases bloodlines the magistrate ans usulally the oldest blood member. The magisrtate act as the final voice on any Order matters. They serves as the orders judge and in tasked with the protection of their Order's and their traditions.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Angelblood: A substance know for its purifying properties. Is also usefull in light and white magic manipultions. If injested by shdai angellblood ceates a burning sensation.

Facial characteristics

Angels can be identified by their pupil ans irisless eyes that can range from white to a pale yellow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Whitelands The captial City of Whitehill Was said to be build on the site of the original angels. This the city is a hub for angelic activity. In fact angels populations are common among all of the white hills. Large popuation ca also be found amoung Muora and Summedia. THis was likely a result on angels migrating to regions where fkying was easy and highly advantageous. In fact the Suummedian city of Nuisky was Founded by and angel and it serves as an agellic hub in the north.

Average Intelligence

Angels don't have any average inteligence advantages. As a culture that greatly value traditions many angel society reglioously past down wisdom and record them for future generation. The kept extensive libaries of their histories. While this is great from preserve their culture, this menatality also makes in hard to change or progress angellic culture.   Angels are also known and extremley skilled forgers and enchanters, especially weapons. Theys are respected for their purification rituals as well. They even created their own writing system known ass Angellic runes that are espiecally useful for creating enchants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Angels are decent magic casters; however they excel in incorporating their magic with their crafting abilities and movement. The are an exceptional forgers and weapon creators. They even created a unique writing system for their enchantments. Their primary magic affinities are Light, Wind, and Weapon magic. However, some Angels have secondary affinity for Sky, metal, Lightning, white and Code magic. All Angels have the Gifts of Flight and stronglife. However, the gifts of Lifetouch, Sanctity, Everlife, and Intersight commonly appear among Angels.
  While not all angels may have the gift of sanctity, angels have a natural resistance to Corruption. Even their blood has purifying properties. On top of that they also have developed some of the most powerful purification rituals and techniques as well. They also have excellent vision that complements their wide range of motion. Angels Can see in all brightness. Meaning they cannot be blinded. Angels also are skilled at hollowization as their society value emotional control.   Untouchable as they may seem angel do have some weaknesses. As strongsouls Darcmetal is already extra effective on them, but darcmetal as additional effects on angels. When restrained or pierced by darcmetal they lose their ability perform advanced magics. It also adds strains to an angel’s ability to fly. Another substance made to threaten angles is Silverdust. The various forms of the substance can be used to lock up an angel’s wings and take away their ability to fly. While their wings are their pride an joy they are also a weak spot. damaging their wings greatly effects their ability to fly and completely removing their wing takes away their ability to fly permanently. Even though the wings can be physically reattached, but their natural connection to sky magic won’t be restored. Angels with reattached wings will have to actively cast sky magic on their wings to work.
  Angelic combat style is heavily focused on weapon use. Their cultural sense of integrity and strong sense of ego encouraged the development of a clean and direct fighting style. They prefer combat that complements their range of motion, while also keeping their opponent away from their wings. Common weapon types they prefer are longswords, spears and bow and arrow. The prefer to limit their hand to hand combat to direct, precise and honorable strikes.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

  • Brightsteel: Angel inventor alloy that forges an steel with magic itself. It that appears slightly gold. This is know for being extremly light weight, while maintaing the strenght on most metals. Also at great conduit for purification magic. Especially effective on shadai.
  • Wing Wards: Tattooed wards that angels can use to contain their wings when they can be a hinderance or in danger of damage. Usuakkt place on the center of the back between the wings.. THhn containing wings the tattoo take shape of an abstract version of wings.
  • Bleeding Chalice: is a gold bejweled cup fashioned and bessed by the weapon goddess. Any liquid placed in the chalice increase 500 fold and goes throught a purifying process. When used with all 3 holy vessels it can summon the sky god.
  • Divine Dagger: One of the Holy Vessels used in angel conversion and blessed by the Wind god. It is a bronze and silver dagger that can surround its edge with wind magic to greatly increase its cutting power. When used with all 3 holy vessels it can summon the sky god.
  • Radiant Feather: One of the Holy Vessels used in angel conversion and blessed by light god. Orginally it is a feather taken from the light god's familar and enchanted with his magic. It agressively purifies that which it touched and can be used to creat god runes. When used with all 3 holy vessels it can summon the sky god.

Common Dress Code

Standard angel attire is usally tight fitting as not to become an hinderance while flying. They also typically wear brightsteel armor as acessories since Brightsteel is so light However angel formal wear ia known to have layers of flowing fabric that would flow in the winds Their designs tend to have open back design to acomadate and highlight their wings.

Common Taboos

Angels have a great sense of honor and pride for their wings. They see them as a physical manifestation of their divine blessings. Thus angels have a stigma based on the status of their wings. THus angels that have been disgraced or commited great crimes can have their wings cut off and branded with their status. THey are reffered to as the Fallen, and are typically shunned from their angelic community   Angels with damaged wings due to battle or accidents are not viewed the same. Even if thier wing wee lost in a valiant effort, they are viewed with a sense of pity. They are also refereed as the wingless and are permitted to try to reattach wings or create artifical wing assistance.


The creations of the angels Asariel , God of Light Magic. He had chosen a group of followers to carry out his sense of justice and battle against what he believed as evil. In order to reward his followers, Asariel would recruit the assistance of the gods of wind, Weapon and sky gods. Together they created the Divine Dagger, the Bleeding chalice and the radiant feather. Together they would be known as the Holy Vessels and would be the instruments used to convert an being into an angel.   The Divine Dagger is blessed by the Wind god. It is a bronze and silver dagger that can surround its edge with wind magic to greatly increase its cutting power. The Bleeding Chalice is a gold bejeweled cup fashioned and blessed by the weapon goddess. Any liquid placed in the chalice increase 500-fold and goes through a purifying process. Lastly the Radiant Feather orginally is a feather taken from the light god's familar and enchanted with his magic. It agressively purifies that which it touched and can be used to creat god runes. Together this instrument can summon the sky god. then using the blood of the sky god and ritual for angel conversion can be started.   Asariel choose his 12 most devoted followers to be blessed first. the ritual ended with giving them wings like familiar of Asariel and gave them the gift of flight and a purity of blood. the variants would develop due to being favored by one of the gods involved in the creation of the holy vessels. The first group of mages to do this conversion would become known as the 12 founding families. They are powerful and highly respected to present day. Many of the angel values, traditions, and sense of justice stems from the initial teachings of these followers.

Historical Figures

Famous Bloodlines

  • Kuren - Descendants of the white godess famous for brinllant white wings and hair. Powerful white magic users and residents of Good Island in the Esterlle.
  • Krieg - Descendants of the black god. Known as the darc angels due to their jet black wings. Ancestor was exile to the blacklin mountains and are powerful black magic users. They do share many of the typical angels values and sense of justice. there are skilled spies and assassins
  • Ikoros - Descendants of Daldiaus. Founder of Nuisky and famous for their weapon magic and golden wingers
  • Arias - Descendants of Emily a order demigod, who participated in the Convergence Barrier Ritual. They are the royal house of Whiteland.
  • Follower Familes
  • Arias | Mikealin | Gavinale | Lui | Castiel | Rafakin | Uralan | Kelian | Josphinn | Shiam | Oloheim | Zain

Famous Individuals

  • Emily Ariasl - Founder or House Arias. Famous order demiglod angel with silver wings, Famous for ridding the corrutption of here family and leading rebelling agaisnt the Sailon empires.
  • Daldiaus Ikoros Also know as the golden winged inventor, we was born wih golden wings. A genius whose inventions would lead to the creaton Nuisky

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mixed Bloods
Mixed boods either have reduced sized wings or are born without wings. However most still interhit the gift of flight. However there flight speed and strenght is lesser than their full blooded counterparts. THere still have angel blood, but with a lesser potency. They tend to keep their resistance to corruption, vunerabilty to Darcmetal and affinity for angel magics.  
Angels can still use the Holy vessels to create convert other being into angels. Howevr these holy vessels are highly protected and it is difficult to get approval for conversion. The easiest way to gain approval is through marriage to an angel in order to preserve the purity of angel offspring. the conversion process involves purifying the candiate of all genetic influence of the other races. Thus converted angels are considered full blooded angels. COnvert angel do tend to keep their previous magic affinties.   The conversion process usually states with the trials of light, which a series of test to determine if canidate is worthy of conversion. Once they are determine worthy the holy vessels are brought together. THey are used to summon the sky god. First the Divine Dagger is used to cut the sky god an so that some drops of his blood spill into the Bleeding Chalice, then the dapper is ude to place a cut on the back of the conversion candiate. their blood is mixed into the bleeding chalice with the sky gods. THe chalice then combines and purfies this mixing og blood. THe the Radiant feather is dipped into the blood and used to write runes around the perviously made cut on the candiate. Once completed the rune illuminate and start the phsical process of conversion. This part is painful for the candiate espcially the more geneticlty different they are from a mage. the process ends with the growth on the new angels wings.  
  • Angels have a tense relationship with gargoyles due to the Featherstone war Plus the gargolyes involvement in the creation of Silverdust. Many angel view gargolyes with negative Prejudice or fear
  • Angels also have a negative Prejudice against Shadai due to their vinerablity of light, which many angels religiously revere. THey also see the shadai reatction to angel bloos as a divine sign of superiority
  • Many angels look dowon on the colorskin race due to the circumstances of their creation. To them colorskinraces that are the opposite of purity, with nefarious natures created for destructive purposes

Racial Overview

Angel Classes
Angel classess by Israel Rodriguez
Flight & Stronglife
Common Potential Gifts
Lifetouch, Sanctity, Everlife, Intersight
Potential Primary Magics
Light, Wind, Weapon
Potiential Secondary Magics
Sky, Metal, Lightning, White, Order, Solar
 Silvermist, Darcmetal
Average Height
~6 Feet
Average Weight
140lb - 180 lb
Average Physique
Angels tend to have a lean to average that matched their balence on body and mids. They d tend to have slight;y broader shoulders and back to acomidate for their wings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shadai skin tones vary from Fair to tan . Common hair colors varies in color between Blondes and Brown. The wing color vary based and genetics. Although angels born with uncharacteristic colors of their gentic bloodline are seen as omens of gifted ones. Its saif an angels wing color can matched that of any of the birds of the world.
High Populous Cities
Whitehill, Silverfort, Ivorie,Nuisky

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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