5/6 - Audience in Boulderdust Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

5/6 - Audience in Boulderdust

General Summary

Arriving in Boulderdust after their encouter with the Far Realm-touched creatures, the party headed for the inn to recover before their audience with High Priestess Secta. Gorging themselves on ale and pulled-pork sandwiches at the city's main dining establishment, the party recovered their spirits while interacting with the locals.
  As the next morning arrived, the party met with Valqine Arialith who arranged their audience with High Priestess Secta, leader of Boulderdust. She ushered the party to the audience chamber and introduced them to the High Priestess before departing. The party discussed the possibility of adding Boulderdust to the Skagi-Portal Network in order to extend the network's reach and also reduce their own travel time between the surface and The Underdark.
  High Priestess Secta seemed keenly interested in securing access to the Skagi-Portal Network to improve the economy of the city and increase trade between the surface and the other Dwarven cities of The Underdark. Secta promised the party a sum of 500 GP each in addition to help securing a Bloodwell Vial for Sylvie. Having achieved their primary goal, the party spent the remainder of their resting time carousing in Boulderdust.
  Sylvie and Duo both taveled to the city's library to request help from Valqine Arialith in researching various topics. They poured through the library's tomes and gained new insights on Ghaunadaur, Illithids, and Elder Brains.
  Darnath went to visit Darranor Ironhand, grandson of the creator of the "Nine Lives Stealer", Felicior Ironhand, at the town's smithy. He asked the Dwarf to hone his sword in an attempt to elicit another response like he felt the previous time they were in the city. As Darranor's tools struck the edge of the magical sword, Darnath snapped into a vision. His eyes opened on a hazy meadow, surrounded by the sounds of clashing practice swords and the encouraging words of instructors. The field was surrounded on three sides by mountains, and as Darnath stood there feeling the warm sun on his face he felt as if he could almost place the location. As quickly as it came the vision faded, and Darranor was done honing the blade's edge.   The party reconvened and contacted Lady Timber of the Timber Throne about the Far Realm-touched creatures they encountered and the possible source of their lingering Feywild energy. Lady Timber replied with grave tidings: her daughter Lady Chamylla was right, there was a threat that needed to be prepared for, and now the barrier between the Far Realm and The Feywild has been breached.
  Knowing that Lady Timber would never admit being wrong under anything but extreme duress, the party offered their help and agreed to meet with one of the High Lady's envoys near Tradefront in a few days' time so they could be escorted to The Feywild.

Rewards Granted

  • 500 GP / PC
  • 1x IOU (Bloodwell Vial)
Report Date
06 May 2024
Primary Location