Holgunn I Strongborn Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Holgunn I Strongborn

King of Gotha, Jarl of Odessa (a.k.a. The Old One)

Holgunn Strongborn was the second son to Varric I Strongborn and brother to Ulthar III Strongborn. As second son he was passed over for the royal succession in favour of his brother. In exchange he was named Jarl of Odessa when his father died. He was Dragonborn and therefore fluent in the Thu'um and he is known as one of the best commanders the Kingdom of Gotha fielded.   His military prowess was first apparent at the great Wildling incursion by the orc chieftain Uruk. He and his nephew Aegon II Strongborn were able to hold off the orc horde at Falcon's Peak long enough for reinforcements to arrive and utterly destroy them. When his brother Ulthar III was assassinated and Aegon launched the Assassin's War in response, Holgunn was named commander of the western force of Gothic soldiers together with Ulfric Stormcloak. They successfully besieged Trelis, but after news reached them of the massacre at the Battle of Longfields, they were forced to retreat. Holgunn succesfully defended his independence from the Myrtanians.   Holgunn did not attempt to restore the kingdom of Gotha during the Kingless years, mainly because he did not believe the attempt would be successful, as he and Marcus Vardenfell of The Night's Watch were quite hostile to one another. When his young nephew Eric Strongborn returned to the scene and was crowned king, Holgunn happily bowed for the new king. During the appearance of Rifts, following the ascension of Valthor to godhood, Holgunn rushed to the aid of the people of Tarente, who were abandoned by the garrison of the Kingdom of Corinth. This allowed Holgunn to add the region and the fortress of Ancona to his fiefdom.   When Eric was murdered by his lost uncle Raegar Strongborn, Holgunn succeeded him as King of Gotha, as he had left no heirs. He did not rule the same kingdom as his Ulthar III Strongborn brother had, however. In fact, it was more of a federation under the leadership of a king, than the absolute kingdom of old. Holgunn accepted this fact and was therefore able to coexist with the Night's Watch. During the Corinthian Civil War Holgunn, Jorikk Stormcloak and the Night's Watch launched a joint invasion of Northern Corinth. They were successful in conquering all of the Corinthian kingdom, except for the province of Korona. Holgunn eventually died at the ripe old age of 107 and was succeeded by his son Gemling I, leaving him to govern the regions of Odessa, Terente, the Grey Mountains, Thessalonikos and Velothi.  


Holgunn I Strongborn


Towards Rhoda Greymane

Rhoda Greymane


Towards Holgunn I Strongborn

Holgunn I Strongborn


Towards Rhoda Greymane

Rhoda Greymane


Towards Holgunn I Strongborn

1343 3E 1452 3E 109 years old
Rhoda Greymane (spouse)
Rhoda Greymane (spouse)


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