Aegon II Strongborn Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Aegon II Strongborn

King of Gotha

Aegon Strongborn was the oldest son to king Ulthar III Strongborn of the Kingdom of Gotha. He was born in the capital of Gotha and developed as a strong warrior early in life. He had two brothers: Berengar and Eric I Strongborn. The first time he distinguished himself on the battlefield was when the orc lord Uruk invaded the realm of Gotha from the Northern wilds in 1377. Aegon and his uncle Holgunn I Strongborn were able to hold of the orc hordes at Falcon's peak in the Falklands, long enough for the royal army to come to their aid and utterly destroy them. After this victory Falcon's Peak was renamed Aegon's Hold, even though the role of his uncle was arguably far greater. After his father's assassination in 1385, he was crowned king of Gotha. He blamed the Kingdom of Myrtana for the assassination of his father and started the Assassin's War against his southern neighbour as an act of revenge. The Myrtanians were informed of his attack beforehand though, and at the Battle of Longfields Aegon led his army to certain doom at the hands of Lee Lannister. It was at this battlefield the young king also found his end. The kingdom of Gotha fell apart and was only restored decades later by his brother Eric.
1359 3E 1385 3E 26 years old


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