Kingdom of Thedas Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Thedas

The Kingdom of Thedas was formed in the year 925, after the people of Geldrin defeated the Witch King Angmar. It came into being as a union of the nobles of the lands now known as The Wilds against the necromancer stronghold of Gorgorath. It was an extremely prosperous and vast realm on the same footing as the Septim Empire or the Kingdom of Asgarnia. One of the main strengths of the realm was its close alliance with the Kingdom of Mazaar.   The Kingdom of Thedas was led by a dynastic king. The feudal lords of the realm kept extensive power however. Thedas is most known for its progress in the field of magic and its fielding of whole batallions of battle mages. Its crest is the Griffon as at its peak it hosted famous Griffon riders.   The Kingdom was destroyed in the 1193. Ironically it was its old enemy at Gorgorath that became its undoing. One necromancer who had secretly trained at Gorgorath, became extremely powerful and transmorphed in a creature known as the Girger. Thedas and Mazaar reforged their old alliance and waged a brutal war against the Girger for years. Eventually they succeeded in defeating him, but not before he was able to cast a terrible curse upon this land. The curse slowly turned most of the inhabitants of Thedas and Mazaar undead and even turned the green fertile lands into an arid desert wasteland now known as the Red Waste. Only the region of Geldrin was spared this evil, but it soon fell pray to the Angmarian orc Thorek.

Feel the magic flow through you

925 - 1193

Geopolitical, Kingdom


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