Amos Church
To say hes my rival would probably be too much but, he and i have often come into contact while seeking knowledge of some of the occult occurrences around town. His knowledge is great and even covers some areas that i was previously unaware of.
Helen's employer suggested Amos by name as a good friend of his who would be able to aid Helen in her photography. Helen hasn't talked to Amos yet, but her employer sent ahead a letter to introduce her, and they intend to meet soon - Helen especially wants access to some images she can take to put in her photography.
Church's obsession with the occult and spiritual is exactly the sort of thing Seamus thrives on debunking.
They met out of context, in a store or at the bar. They get along because they both know who they are and say what comes to mind. Grover doesn't believe as faithfully about the occult as Amos does, but that doesn't stop them from getting along enough. They aren't that close, but the closest relationship in the town.
Tommy has read all of Amos' musings a papers about the occult events in Munson, even before having his own supernatural incident. So when his sister was transformed into a rat by a Vaettir, Tommy wrote Amos a letter detailing the situation as a desperate plea for help. Unfortunately, he was forced to leave his home and begin traveling without ever knowing if Amos sent a reply letter. Regardless, Tommy has traveled to Munson in hopes that Amos may be of help to him, or at the very least may believe his story.
Merdu was very excited to get to meet and talk with Amos Church. They bonded quickly over discussions of the supernatural and occult, and have talked about various rumors of events occurring around the town.