Jarldom of Kotsuj

The Jarldom of Kotsuj is a newly formed County of the Kingdom of Aachen.  It is located on the North Shore of the INNER SEA, and is anchored by the city of EICKJOLF.


Starting in the 1150's the House of Brat began actively working with the Vul around Eickjolf to grow the fur trade in the KOTSUJ VALLEY.  This rich area in the HOLMGRAD MOUNTAINS was largely untouched wilderness.  The Vul were able to bring all the furs that could be handled by the Brat.     The Family attempted to draw the attention of the King of Aachen to the North, but there was little interest as there were threats in the immediate East.  Then the COUNTS OF HARZ attempted to force the Vul out.  This vital economic link allowed the Vuls to maintain their position in Aachen during the AACHEN CIVIL WAR.  With its conclusion, and the begin of the reign of the Igors, the tide turned and KOTKEL BRAT, Jarl of Brat was able to get the focus of the King on the seas and the North.  It also got a new Naval force, and he found himself as its admiral.   The fleet was victorious over the HANSE CITIES, and that brought even more bounty from the trade.  Eventually Aachen took Eickjolf 1295.  But the valley was left as open territory.  A turning point came in 1320, when the GOBLINS OF ANSGAR besieged the town.  Igor II was able to break the siege, but was assassinated by the leader of the Ansgar GRIGSPOCKET.  This forced the hand of the Aachen and as Kotkel became regent he was able to convince the new King to secure the valley.  More troops and more effort were brought to bear as the Goblins to the East and Orcs to the West raided the valley.  These efforts eventually lead to the thought that a permanent Aachen presence with a local Vul noble would be best.     Hiorvard Brat had spent 20 years in Eickjolf developing the trade and working with the locals.  His son Eric Brat had even been born there, and spent most of his life in the Kotsuj.  With heavy support from his cousin Sturla Brat the current Jarl of Brat Eric was selected as the new Jarl.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, County / March
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
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Notable Members
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