
9th level Paladin (Oath of Ancients)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seraphina knows that if she were to remove her helmet in front of a looking glass, that her face would still be young. She can thank her elf blood for that. There would, however, be a sadness in her eyes. It has been so long that she has been on this earth already. So much loss, and so much evil left to face.

Apparel & Accessories

Seraphina’s armor is heavy and strong, but not indestructible. She takes great pride in the retooling work that has been done, as her armor now seems more fitting. Where there were once red and black scales there are glimmering metallic green leaves like those on a sturdy oak tree in the rain. The gargoyles and demons that once adorned the shoulders have been replaced with antlered stag heads. These remind her to use grace and agility. She feels more in touch with the light and nature’s beauty now that these changes have been made. She doesn’t even mind the scarring of the metal since the last (almost fatal) battles. They remind her of the foes that she has faced, and the challenges that she has yet to endure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a Callarii elf mother and Traladaran father, Seraphina left the Achelos Woods at a fairly young age and has spent most of her life traveling throughout Karameikos.   Seraphina’s mother is Calen Thekrana; "Calen" meaning "a green one" in Elvish. 145 years young (b. AC 965), she is a midwife/healer of sorts, living near Riverfork Keep. She attempted to impart her knowledge of the magical arts to her daughter - this is perhaps where Seraphina got her desire to heal, although she lacks the confidence that her mother showed in using magic. It was a thing of beauty to watch her mother work.   Seraphina’s father was Alger Rhoades. He died in battle at the age of 30, while Seraphina was still young. He was a renowned sword maker and it was through his reputation that he was able to travel the known lands crafting fine pieces of steel for worthy patrons. He believed that a sword maker must also be good at handling the sword, thus he taught Seraphina a respect for the blade. They often practiced together in the sunlight of the clearing near her home. She would not be alive today, but for the skills that she learned from him.   Early in her travels, Seraphina met a young Aubreck Drallion, not too long after his arrival in Saltmarsh. Recently returned to Saltmarsh, Seraphina has found Aubreck fallen on hard times; she has promised to help him, to repay his kindness many years prior.
Current Location
Year of Birth
940 70 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
130 lbs
Known Languages
Thyatian, Traladaran, Celestial, Elvish, Primordial, Sylvan


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