Arddan Goswren

Arddan Goswren (AR-dan GOSS-ren) was a half-Satyr, half-Fire Genasi Crown of the Wrenjers of Gylidd, who was assigned by Kobeck Huaru himself to attend and inform a certain group of adventurers (who would later becomeĀ the Doom Chime) at the start of the Age of Emergence as they travelled east from Gylidd Syn Aethri into the furthest wilds of Gylidd. He was focused, passionate, and articulate when he wants to be, though he never passed up a chance to shirk responsibility when he could get away with it. His voice was deep in both sonnet and song, accented with the Gylidder lilt of gentle sylvan rolls.   Trained in martial combat and bardic theory at Gildrygg, the fey and fire aethrin combined the magic of ancient songs in contests of strength or charisma. He also studied the lore of Gylidd with an avid curiosity, at least somewhat familiar about most topics - and more importantly, where to find experts in those fields when his knowledge was not enough. He attended services at the Church of the Burning Question, Rasifal's temple in Zhen Ishraihadasha, whenever his duties and travels found him back home.   Arddan was well over six feet tall, and nearly seven with his horns - two circular, charcoal, strongly ridged points that jutted up and out from his forehead and pointed immediately upward with only a slight outward bow. His tawny skin was covered in tan fur, and where it grew longer - across his chin, chest, and along his back, neck, and center of his scalp - it whorled and curled together in dense, static flames that moved very little in a breeze. His eyes were pale green and glowed with the faintest of reflected light, even when deeply buried under his protruding temples and dense, wild eyebrows. Both his fey and elemental ancestry flared to the forefront as radiance atop his horns and within his eyes when he called upon the magic of his mother tongues of Sylvan and Primordial to chant a spell.   Most often seen on the roads and trails of Gylidd, the Crown Wrenjer's attire was a functional and comfortable blend of road leathers, cloth undergarments, and the more useful half of a suit of Gylidd Guard plate mail buried deep under weaponblack and other artistic camouflage. At his back were two battleaxes made of ashen metal that leave smears of carbon at a touch, around his wrists were a matching set of gauntlets of the same composition and enchantment. Before combat, Arddan offered a prayer to the Incari of summer and sunlight, and strode forth into battle howling a Rasifalian song of war as liquid fire coated everything from his elbows to the tips of his razor-sharp weapons.   At the time of his death at the hands of The Shrike of Hsira, Arddan was the commander of the Wrenjers of eastern Gylidd and the leader of the Brumewood Chime. He has a memorial stone at Hopewatch, along with the approximately eight hundred other casualties who fell during the Banishment of the Shrike of Hsira.
Date of Death
13th of Tahla, 0 AE (3518 AI)
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
New Hsira, eastern Gylidd
Aligned Organization