Gylidder Inaethri of Forge in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Inaethri of Forge


The following Gylidder Inaethri are primarily concerned with the domain of Forge.


  Lawful Good
  No Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment survived to the present age.


    Lawful Neutral
  "Only peerless defense, eternal vigilance, and crafting the best defenses, arms, and armors can protect what is important and necessary."


    Lawful Evil
  "All creations should serve the greatness of one’s civilization, and that what is made should serve to strengthen those at the pinnacle of their power."



  Neutral Good
  "Creating mundane and magical things should be a labor of love, done earnestly, enthusiastically, lovingly, and well."


  "One should always seek to make things that will improve one’s means, and to then seek to improve those things."

    Neutral Evil
  No Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment survived to the present age.



  Chaotic Good
  "All creations should serve one’s friends and family first, and that thought for loved ones should shape the choices one makes with the resources one has."

    Chaotic Neutral
  No Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment survived to the present age.

    Chaotic Evil
  No Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment survived to the present age.

  The following Gylidder Inaethri have interest in the domain of Forge, but it is not their primary focus.