Gylidder Inaethri of Knowledge in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Inaethri of Knowledge


The following Gylidder Inaethri are primarily concerned with the domain of Knowledge.


Erizdes Kyssa

  Lawful Good
  "Knowledge and strategy are the keys to acting in a way that does the most good without compromising or sacrificing morals."


    Lawful Neutral
  "A robust and unbiased look at nature is the best way to understand oneself, and encourages each person to embrace their own evolution and growth."


    Lawful Evil
  "The only knowledge in the world worth knowing belongs to the most powerful creatures upon it, and lore seekers should swear fealty to these entities in exchange for truth."


  Neutral Good
  No Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment survived to the present age.


  "There is a fundamental relationship between all things, and all forms of knowledge are therefore a component of absolute understanding."

Cantha Erynnis

    Neutral Evil
  "The tools of administering death are an art to be perfected just as much as their delivery, to ensure that their result is absolute."



  Chaotic Good
  "The knowledge of the heart is as important to divine as the knowledge of the forces or nature, as are indulgence, play, and empathy."


    Chaotic Neutral
  "Real knowledge must be carefully sought, examined, and verified, for the truth is always hidden away from prying eyes while lies are kept in plain sight."


    Chaotic Evil
  "Knowledge is useless without eternal life to keep it, and all lore should be gathered by any means necessary to be kept for oneself."

  The following Gylidder Inaethri have interest in the domain of Knowledge, but it is not their primary focus.