Gylidder Inaethri of Light in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Inaethri of Light


The following Gylidder Inaethri are primarily concerned with the domain of Light.



  Lawful Good
  "The right path is illuminated by the generations that came before, and that by keeping with family traditions one can achieve success and benefit from ancestral wisdom."

  Lawful Neutral
  There is no Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment in the present age.

  Lawful Evil
  There is no Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment in the present age.



  Neutral Good
  "Light reveals the heart regardless of the form one may take, and that the spectrum of colors is as sacred as the world it paints."


  Incari of the united sun, growth, heat, and immortality. They are depicted as a smooth, flat golden disk, often illuminated. Aethrin believe that all immortality and the immortal nature of the life cycle itself comes from Achar, though the sun is merely the closest star.

  Neutral Evil
  There is no Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment in the present age.


  Chaotic Good
  There is no Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment in the present age.

The Mhelydraud

  Chaotic Neutral
  Incari of the divided sun, Gynlachar, Sochlachar, and Laslachar, three constantly warring spheres that seem united but are eternally struggling to consume the others.

  Chaotic Evil
  There is no Gylidder Inaethri of this focus and alignment in the present age.

  The following Gylidder Inaethri have interest in the domain of Light, but it is not their primary focus.