Gylidder Inaethri of War in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Inaethri of War


The following Gylidder Inaethri are primarily concerned with the domain of War.



  Lawful Good
  "Prepare for war and peace in equal measure, to ensure that one is always ready to defend what they love, and prepared to lay down the sword when the work is done."


  Lawful Neutral
  "The only path to victory in war is to follow commands to the letter, and to be prepared to sacrifice one’s life without hesitation for the sake of the cause."


  Lawful Evil
  "Warfare and trickery go hand in hand, and that warriors who don’t cheat, sneak, deceive, and ambush aren’t trying to win and don’t deserve to survive."



  Neutral Good
  "The pageantry of warfare, the dance of battle, and the intimidation of a well-dressed warrior can cause foes to retire without ever drawing steel, preserving life on both sides."


  "Abuse of magic presents the greatest threat to life in Myzelis, and that the war with violators of magical law is the only war worth fighting."


  Neutral Evil
  "The power of violent warfare is both a tool of personal expression, and a device of control over others."



  Chaotic Good
  "Following orders in war is less important than retaining a sense of purpose, and that friendship among comrades can create stronger bonds than blind patriotism."


  Chaotic Neutral
  Barely an Inaethri, they fulfill a role akin to an Incari of fiery wrath, incredible violence, and unstoppable destruction. Only guilt keeps them chained to their Inaethrid.


  Chaotic Evil
  "Cruel, destructive, degenerate warfare - such as the slaughter of civilians, torture, perfidy, giving no quarter, and salting the earth - is all for its own sake."

  The following Gylidder Inaethri have interest in the domain of War, but it is not their primary focus.