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The March of The White Gate



The day that the Primordial Luz first escaped Hell.

When The Primordial Luz and His angelic children finally broke from the confines of Hell the Gods, who had populated Na Aragen in Luz absence sensed a dark engery emanating from him a remnants of The Void's attack and gathered to defend themselves from it. The gods met Luz at The White Gate in The Endless Peaks saw his Angels, and assumed he had brought an army. Fearful, the gods readied themselves for battle, but Diana the middle child Ahshina dropped her weapons and stood before Luz and his children unarmed she adressed all of Luz angels, told them of the magical wonder of her home and of the dark power she sensed emitnating from thier leader. Diana spun such a convincing tale of Luz's ill intent, becuase indeed, she believed it herself, that Luz children believed her too. Seven of the Seravium and all five-hundred of their children joined the goddess and raised arms against thier father. Shocked and outraged Luz cursed them all. Stripping his children of thier power, wings, and memory. The gods did thier best to shelter the angels from his wrath and in turn cursed the seven Seravium who had remained loyal, stealing thier wings. but Luz was an ancient being and his power was unequaled. The gods could not protect all the angels from him while also fighting against the seven still loyal Seravium. The wrechted battle raged for days and while Luz was driven back into Hell in the end, his imprisonment came at a cost as only ninety-nine of the five-hundred angels remained untainted, six of the seven Seravium still loyal to their father had lost their wings and four hundred and one angels cursed by the Demon King had lost their immortality, becoming the elves and kickstarting the first mortal age.

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The White Gate
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History of Na Aragen