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History of Na Aragen

A complete history of all Na Aragen.

Primordial Age

... 1500

The era of the Olden Primordial. It was during the Primordial age that the ancient beings lived in peace before Styx's Awakening.

The Age of Sorrow

1501 1979

The era of the ruin in which the world lay broken and largely deserted as it recoved from the attack of The Void.

  • 398 AS

    15 Fenri

    The Birth of Ahshina
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Mother Goddess Ahshina and the begining of the end of the Age of Sorrow.

  • 398 AS

    18 Juli
    478 AS

    5 Nimi Venormi

    Ahshina's Burial Campaign

    Ahshina near century long expedition to repair the remnants of the world and bury the remains of the Olden Primordial left after Styx's Awakening and the extinction of their speices.

  • 479 AS

    23 Juli

    The Birth of Kalyna
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the goddess Kalyna. The Queen of Thorns and the eldest child of the Mother Goddess Ahshina. Her birth marks the begining of The Reign of The Mother Goddess.


The Reign of the Mother Goddess

1980 3955

The first era of the God in the ancient times after Ahshina restored the world and her children gradually began to make it thier own. Thanks to Ahshina's magic the many forests, plains, mountains, deserts, and oceans of Na Argen was once more restored to the splendor they had enjoyed during the Primordial Age before Styx's Awakening. Ahshina's newly restored world even coaxed the denizens of The Evergreen Realm to retrun to The Mortal Plane.

  • 2 RMG

    8 Lunaspeeri

    The Birth of Diana
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Goddess Diana, the future queen of the gods and Ahshina's middle daughter.

  • 3 RMG

    2 Sepni

    The Return of the Evergreen
    Geological / environmental event

    After Ahshina's Burial Campaign came to a close and the world was regrown once again with dense forests and crystal blue oceans like it had been before Styx's Awakening the natural bridges between The Realm of Requiem and The Evergreen Realms were restored and the Fae returned once more to the world bringing their magic and mischief with them.

  • 5 RMG

    28 Fenri

    The Birth of Belaron
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the God Belaron. The Lord of the Sea and the youngest of Ahshina's children.

  • 25 RMG

    27 Lunaspeeri

    The Birth of Amelni
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the goddess Amelni. The daughter of Diana and the winter god Nim.


The Great Veiling

3956 5809

In the age of the veiling a strange phenomenon began to take shape. This phenomenon, created by and consiting of wild magic, is known as the Divine Veil and it acts as the boundry between the realms of Elsyina and Requiem no one knows exactly what cuased this veil or its sister veils to form but many of the Gods presume that as the mortal races began to dominate the Requiem, the wild magic of the world began shield itself from the powerful immortals it viewed as a threat to its inhabitants. These veils took time to form, however, and as the gods began to feel their power waning and the Forgotten Angels struggled to adapt to thier new life as the first elves, the mischivous denizens of The Evergreen Realms sensed an unprecedented opportunity to cause chaos and took advatage of Ahshina's absence to make use of it.

  • 1 GV

    14 Juni

    The March of The White Gate
  • 1 GV

    18 Juni

    Ahshina's Isolation
    Life, Relocation

    Doubting the righteousness of casting Lucifer Morgane back into Hell and wracked by the guilt of that doubt Ahshina dubbed her daughter Diana as the queen of the Gods and isolated herself in an unreachable pocket dimension which she has never returned from. Her dissaperence caused upheavel among her children and the absence of her universally respected rulership created the perfect opportunity for the Fae to take advatage of the chaos to sow a bit of their own.

  • 1 GV

    19 Juni

    The Creation of Dragons
    Artistic creation

    The day that the Dragons of Hell were unleashed upon Requiem and began to terrorize the Gods and the newly born Elves.

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    23 Nimi Venormi

    The Creation of Giants
    Artistic creation

    After six months of fighting the Dragons created and unleashed by the Demon King the Gods realized that the creatures had already become far too numerous and widespread for them to deal with themselves so Diana commanded her sister Kalyna's twin children Ganiya and Tomaran to create a race that could subdue the creatures and so the pair chose to create the first Giants born of stones and mountains.