
  The region known as Cain is a wide open temperate landscape. The sub-continent is home to a diverse series of biomes both thanks to its geographic coordinates and variety of planar openings. The area itself is a land of extreme temperatures experiencing both hot and cold seasonal change. The region is a filled predominantly with beastfolk, and creatures of all varieties. Without human influence the land remains largely undeveloped with fragments of civilization remaining in ruins across the landscape.


Vast open plains rule the surrounding area, with splatterings of lakes, mountain ranges, and forests filling the wild realm. Deep within its boundries rest ancient abandoned structures from civilizations past.


The open plains make home to diverse arrays of beasts, untamed by the touch of humanity. Without aggriculture interfearing in natural selection, no one secies holds dominion over another in this wild untamable land.

Localized Phenomena

The elemental planes of visit this region with a seasonal regularity causing frequent weather phenomina, extra planar visits, and plenty of strange occurances.
Location under


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