New Cain

  Possibly the strangest of places on Na'Endreth simply out of its uniquely mundane atmosphere. The island itself is within an enormous pocket of anti magic energy rendering those who visit powerless. Both a sanctuary and a prison, the rocky fields of New Cain were at first thought of as an excellent use for a penal colony dropping the most dangerous criminals within its boundaries. However the lack of foresight and inability govern has transformed it into a haven for crime and piracy. The island is well on its way to total urbanization and villainy. The waters have shallow jagged spires of rock that make it notoriously difficult to dock for the anyone unprepared. An enormous collection of retired boats have been combined to create a dock town run in anarchy by various crime families.


This massive island is nothing but jagged rocks and sand towering above the water. An active volcano holds the center of the island rising above all.

Localized Phenomena

Anything magical within 1 mile of the island does not function.
Location under


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