
  Mactrica is part of the massive continent known as Barakarus. The region holds everything from hot dessert, to temperate forests, and even blotches of tropical jungle. The native populations are highly diverse as well, in that it is home to many goblinoids, orcs, elves, beast folk, and genasi, each arriving in a variety of ways. Mactrica borders Bander and cain separated by enormous mountain gains. The region is shrouded in mystery and legend. Remnants of an old Gith empire reside here abandoned and taken over by their decendants.


Mactrica is covered in temperate forests, and several mountain ranges. The vast majority of the region is orc controlled territory leaving it undeveloped by agriculture.

Localized Phenomena

Conjunctions with multiple planes makes Mactrica a sweat spot for all sorts of planar activity. Many regions experience rapid weather changes and chaotic spurts of energy. This has enabled the orcs to accelerate greatly through the use of natural magics.
Location under


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