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Sprites are a reclusive species found mainly in the grasslands and wetlands in the south, though their nomadic tendencies means that they have spread out in small pockets across the continent.   There are two main groups of sprites, the Water Sprites and Land Sprites (the latter are typically referred to as simply "sprites," as they are more common and have more variety among them). This distinction is stronger than the difference between Fey Pixies and Hill Pixies, as Water and Land Sprites split into two much longer ago, but not as distinct as the difference between Fairies and Flower Fairies, which are two unrelated species.

Basic Information


Sprites are highly similar in form to humans, though less so than Fairies and Pixies. Sprites have four pairs of translucent, almond-shaped wings on their backs that allow them to fly as easily as they can walk.   Their skin, which can be anywhere in the human range of skin tones, has a strong green undertone. This undertone tends to be more yellowish among Land Sprites and more blueish among Water Sprites.   Sprites have noticeably sharper teeth and more pointed ears than other humanoid species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction works identically to humans. Sprites can reproduce with other sprites, Fairies, Pixies, and Elves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sprites mature slightly faster than humans during childhood and slower once they reach adulthood. The age of adulthood among sprites is generally 10 years. Sprites can live well over 100 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Sprites prefer to live in areas that are lightly forested to not forested at all, but have a heavy grass cover. Land Sprites typically live in grasslands, whereas Water Sprites tend to live in marshes and wetlands. Sprites are respectful of the environment that they live in and will typically only make minimal modifications to it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sprites are omnivorous, eating small animals, e.g. birds and fish, and supplementing their diet with some plants. They do not farm, preferring to hunt and scavenge. Water Sprites tend to rely on aquatic animals for their diet, and Land Sprites tend to rely on terrestrial animals.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sprites have the ability to charm a being's thoughts and behaviors through their unique musical style. This music cannot be replicated by any other species as the natural magical capabilities of a Sprite is what makes it unique. While this charming is never permanent, it can, depending on the Sprite, be quite effective during its duration.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sprites are given both a first and last name. The first name is personal and typically is a natural element: a plant, animal, or natural feature. The second name is either the surname of a family member or partner, if the two are close, or a name relating to the location in which the Sprite lives. It is typical for a Sprite to change their surname if they move, change partners, or experience other major life changes. There is typically no distinction between male and female names.
An unnamed Water Sprite.
Genetic Descendants
100 years
Average Height
5'8" (female), 5'10" (male)
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Sprite


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