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Though pixies make up far less of the Good population than their cousins the fairies, they are still one of the further-reaching Good species in Naiko. Their population is split between the kingdom of Idol-While, where the majority of the Pixie population is Fey Pixies, and Pixie Point, an area inhabited by Hill Pixies.

Basic Information


Pixies are highly similar in form to humans, although they are much shorter and slighter. Additionally, they have two pairs of translucent wings on their backs that allow them to fly as easily as they can walk. These wings look similar to a Fairy's, but in a pixie, all four wing segments are almond-shaped.   In Fey Pixies, the wing shape occasionally will appear slightly more fairy-like due to crossbreeding with Fairies over the last millennia. Pixies' skin tones are similar the range of a human. However, pixie skin is iridescent and has a colored undertone, ranging anywhere on the rainbow.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction works identically to humans. Pixies can reproduce with other pixies, Fairies, Sprites, and Elves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pixies mature slightly faster than humans during childhood and slower once they reach adulthood. The age of adulthood among fairies is generally 16 years. Pixies can live well over 100 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pixies are generally omnivorous, leaning towards herbivorous. Typically the only meat they eat is fish and small birds and mammals. They typically hunt and gather, although Fey Pixies are more likely to take up farming and become more herbivorous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pixies work well either alone or in groups. It is more common for Hill Pixies to live by themselves or in small groups, as seen in Pixie Point, whereas Fey Pixies have adopted a more Fairy-like social structure of larger villages living in The Three Kingdoms.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pixies are known for their charming magic. Through the use of rhymes and chants, all pixies have the ability to exert a small influence over anything in the natural world. This effect is smaller than the magic of Fairies and Elves and is typically short-term, but is more versatile as they are not constrained by limitations to one particular type of magic as is the case with most other magic-using species.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Fey Pixies living in Idol-While have taken on naming traditions more similar to that of Fairies. There is typically a distinction between male and female names in Fairy-influenced names, but less so in traditional Pixie names.   More traditional pixie names, seen more commonly among Hill Pixies in Pixie Point but also seen among some Fey Pixies, are more similar to that of Sprites and Water Sprites, where inspiration from the natural world is used as the basis for names.

Average Technological Level

While pixies do not traditionally use a lot of technology, Fey Pixies living in Idol-While have a level of technology roughly equivalent with the later Middle Ages of Europe of the human world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Pixies speak the Common language, shared by the Good species and known by the more elite of the Evil species.

Common Dress Code

Fey Pixies in The Three Kingdoms typically dress in robes and dresses, often wearing a legging or short pant underneath to stay modest when flying. Clothing is made of hand- or loom-woven cloth. Shoes, if worn at all, are soft and typically made of a study fabric.   Hill Pixies living in Pixie Point or nearby areas wear similar clothing that tends to be and look more handmade, often with some natural materials added in. All groups of Pixies enjoy embellishing their outfits with small bits of decoration, often scavenged, such as shells, beads, and other such small, shiny objects.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Fey Pixie living in The Three Kingdoms have adopted some fairy traditions.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Pixies, especially Fey Pixies, are strong allies with all Good species — Fairies, Elves, Mermaids, and Sprites. Fey Pixies are sworn enemies of the Trolls; Hill Pixies tend to have mixed feelings toward Fairies; they are allies, but there is typically a sense of mistrust between them.
Genetic Descendants
100 years
Average Height
4'10" (male), 4'8" (female)
Average Weight
65-75 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Pixie


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