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Crystalline Basin


The Crystalline Basin occupies the southwestern region of the Midlands, a diverse landscape dominated by the Enchanted Thicket, a dense and ancient forest teeming with magical energies and strong leylines. The region is bisected by the renowned Azure River, which flows through the heart of the forest and into the city of Crystallis, before spilling out into the western sea. The city of Crystallis, overlooking the coastline, serves as the capital and a beacon of arcane prowess. To the northwest, the bustling port city of Port Alfrons stands as a critical trade and maritime hub.   The region is renowned for its strong ties to the arcane and nature. Historically, civilizations here have risen to fame over their arcane prowess, which was only possible due to the abundance of leylines within the region. The Enchanted Thicket was also once inhabited by the Fey, many of whom have left the prime material realm though their traces still linger. Beyond the forests and coastlines are flat plains of grass ideal for villages, though erratic weather conditions have made it difficult to establish farms.   Due to the abundance of mages within the region, it is common to encounter the traces of their work. Within the Thicket, inert artifacts lie abandoned by their masters. Mage towers within secluded groves or hilltops pierce the treelines, protected by the enchantments of its owners.

Fauna & Flora

The Enchanted Thicket is home to a vast array of magical and mundane flora and fauna. Luminescent mushrooms and towering, ancient trees imbued with arcane energies dominate the forest. Fey creatures stranded in the material realm, such as dryads, pixies, and treants, coexist with more conventional wildlife like deer, wolves, and bears. Unique to the region are creatures like the crystalline drake, a dragon variant with scales of pure crystal, and the aether stag, an elusive creature that phases in and out of the material plane. The Azure River supports a rich ecosystem, including elemental water creatures and fish with shimmering, prismatic scales.   Due to experimentation, strange artificial creatures can be found in the wild. Golems abandoned by their masters roam the countryside aimlessly. Chimeras that broke free of their bondage prey upon those unfortunate enough to come across them.

Natural Resources

Though not as rich as the Northern Reaches, the Basin's resources are adequate enough to supply the region. Furthermore, its abundance of magical resources make it critical to mages and scholars across Muria.   Rich deposits of precious and semi-precious gemstones, including sapphires, emeralds, and opals, are found throughout the region, their inherent magical properties making them highly sought after for enchantments and spellcasting. The Enchanted Thicket yields rare alchemical ingredients and herbs, such as the luminous nightshade and the elusive moonfern, prized for their potent effects in potions and magical concoctions. The Azure River, besides providing a vital waterway for transport and trade, is also a source of aquamarine crystals and elemental water shards, both indispensable in various magical applications. Additionally, the forest's ancient trees produce a unique, magically infused wood used for crafting powerful wands and staves.


The history of the Basin is rich, stemming from the great kingdoms of the Old World. It often experienced radical changes in leadership, as many vied for control over the land's rich natural and magical resources. Old kingdoms such as Erodus and Apollyon once made the Basin their home, and some of their traces can still be found in the form of ruins or texts.   Currently, the ruling power of the Crystalline Basin is the Crystallis Magocracy. Crystallis was established from the remnants of the Kingdom of Erodus under the guidance of renowned wizards such as Thuselah the Undying, Aganazzar the Pyromancer, Elminster Aumar, Qadar the Seer, and Katarina Hedrick II, the last of the Erodus royal bloodline. The Mage's Association was created to regulate and advance magecraft, aiming to prevent the mistakes of Erodus and maintain order amidst the rise of Defranz, the God of Unrestrained Arcana. Over time, the Association's initial ideals became increasingly distorted by ambition, leading to a more draconian approach to policing magic. The region's history is marked by its rise to power, involvement in greater Murian politics, and its pivotal role in the formation of the Izeran Federation following the Midnight Crisis. Port Alfrons, with its strategic location, has always been central to trade and military activities, further solidifying the region's importance.
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