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College of Abzan (Obb-zahn)

University specializing in schools of Conjuration, Necromancy, Abjuration, and War Magic. The college is known for summoning and/or reanimating Sentinels, armor-clad warriors that don't need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. Some Sentinels are channeled spirits (Geists), some are specially prepared undead (Wights), and some are cultivated elementals (Sprites). Regardless of origins, they function as tireless defenders, promoting Abzan's reputation for defensive magic. A Master Abzan carries the same weight as a small army.


University Campus surrounded by cemetaries, graveyards, mausoleums, and museums   Somewhat more militaristic


Study includes more history and military strategy than other courses. Once graduated, an Abzan is considered a squad leader for their Sentinels, and held responsible for their upkeep, maintenance, successes, and failures

Public Agenda

Defensive Mages


Geists, Wights, Sprites, blacksmiths, armorers, tacticians


Abzan are deployed to military installations across the plane, but have a tricky relationship with the continent of Respite as ghosts, zombies, and living trees are three of the main fears of Respite civilians.

Foreign Relations

Many nations employ Sentinels as a cost-efficient means of producing the power of an army without endangering their own troops. Sentinels travel faster, lighter, more stealthily, and can be readied considerably faster than a standard platoon. Buyers pay considerably more for such a soldier, but it still amounts to less than paying & maintaining an entire platoon.   Other Abzan are hired as tacticians & strategists during times of conflict, utilizing their vast knowledge of historical techniques and campaigns.


As part of the first day of classes, each Abzan prospect is given a bone and must identify the type of bone, how old it is, what creature it belonged to, and any other unique properties it may possess.   The first year focuses on learning the foundations of battle strategy throughout the ages, as well as preparing and animating a single Sentinel.   Subsequent years are spent putting these military tactics into practice through strategic war games. Students are expected to acquire the components for each Sentinel on their own, as well as the armor & weaponry they are to wield. In addition, each student is expected to be able to fight as well as, if not better than, each of their Sentinels.   For graduation, students are put into groups of three and tasked with leading their Sentinels on a successful mission against the Veterean Sentinels of their professors.

Fallen, But Never Forgotten

Founding Date
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Major Exports
Portable Armies, Historians, Archaeologists, Military Advisors, Private Armies, Covert Operatives
Major Imports
Armor, Weaponry, Cadavers, Historical Scrolls
Parent Organization


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