BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

College of Esper (Ess-purr)

University specializing in Conjuration, Abjuration, Artifice, Transmutation, Nature, and Arcana. Esper Splicers are renowned for a significantly more practical curriculum of study, producing both Wizards and Artificers. Their understanding of elements, metals, and materials is second to none. In addition, they are among the few Wizarding programs that train for combat, alongside the Abzan, which has led to somewhat of a rivalry between the schools. To be an Esper is to look for the next great invention or discovery, as well as a willingness to put your invention where your mouth is. More than a few Splicers have turned themselves into their own projects.


More like a trade school than a traditional college


Inventors, Metallurgists, Dreamers, Experimenters

Public Agenda

They spend so much time in the future and in their own heads


Familiars, Homunculi, Golems, Servos, Thopters, Experimental Alloys


Esper consturcts may not be as portable and renewable as Abzan Sentinels, but they are certainly more durable and customizable. Not to mention many Esper bring inventions for themselves to use in combat as well. They lack the unified military conditioning & training of the Abzan, but may shine with their individual skills. They are expensive, however.   And for those capable of affording the price tag, Esper Gearhulks can be the last word in any technological dispute.

Technological Level

On par with Volhammer


Vault, God of Machines

Foreign Relations

Many Splicers move to New Buyrport after graduation, hoping to get one of their inventions recognized by the judges at Kaladesh. Even if they don't win, quite a few have find great success in the cities of Volhammer. Many will also apprentice under MOSAIC Researchers.

Agriculture & Industry

Esper supply a variety of helpful gizmos & gadgets across every field of occupation. Harvesters, welding torches, specialized tool kits, etc. Many students who lack the ambition to take on the largest of projects make good money with patents on smaller inventions.


Unlike other schools, Esper doesn't weed out its students intentionally. Every students' first project is constructing their own Familiar, improving it over the course of the semester, before finally submitting it to an obstacle course of the professor's design.   If successful, students are given free reign to pursue their own ideas & projects for the remainder of their schooling. Regular check-ins must be submitted, but beyond that the students are only limited by their own imagination, ingenuity, and time management.   At the end of each year, projects are examined by the professors, an ordeal many have described as a precursor to Kaladesh, the Grand Faire. Failure is acceptable, laziness is not. For those that manage to impress the professors, a job or apprenticeship may be waiting for them.   Every student dreams of achieving the Splicer's greatest project, a Gearhulk. Colossal automatons of unmatched strength & durability, their are the end result of a lifetime of invention, toil, failure, and success.

Build Your Future, Today

Founding Date
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Major Exports
Servos, Thopters, Gearhulks, various smaller inventions for various walks of life
Parent Organization


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