BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

College of Jund (Junn-d)

University specializing in Evocation, War Magic, Transmutation, Arcana, and Nature. The reputation for Jund's Warcasters as fireball-wielding engines of destruction is exaggerated, but not inaccurate. Students of Jund are taught to turn anything around them into a potential weapon; elements, scrap materials, and even corpses. Their offensive capabilities in magical combat are second to none, and they are widely renowned for hurling great spheres of elemental power that can rival natural disasters.   Despite this reputation, the courseload is rigorous, demanding, and specifically designed to weed out wannabe mages who want to learn how to make things go BOOM and nothing else.


Prizes veterancy, but no position is above the consequences of their actions


Discipline first, then we'll teach you power

Public Agenda

You hear about that Warcaster who turned a dead body into a bomb?!


War Mages, Elemental Manipulation, Reputation

Foreign Relations

While known mostly for their successes on battlefields during wars, they more often find work in taming natural disasters with their knowledge of elemental manipulation. Several are employed by the judges of Kaladesh for dealing with rogue inventions, grease fires, pipe explosions, etc. Others seek out positions as advisors to high-ranking officials across the plane, offering advice in conflicts with other magic-users.


Knowing its own reputation and the kinds of individuals it attracts, the first year of Jund is spent focusing on mastering control over the elements through generally menial tasks. The entire first day of class is dedicated to each student either keeping a match lit, preventing an ice cube from melting, holding a balloon in the air, or organizing a pile of dirt. Over the course of 4 hours, a startling 40% of applicants will quit, fail, and/or storm off. Jund values discipline and self-control over raw power, as they know what the power they wield can do in unworthy hands. The entire first year will consist of only Cantrips, establishing that basic control as the foundation of everything to come. It also generally involves another 30-40% dropout rate.   Students who perservere through the first year without giving up are taught the secrets of Evocation, choosing a particular element to specialize in. They spend that second semester developing & refining their spellcasting in the chosen element. Third semesters then select either a new element to learn, or may continue to progress with their original. Lastly, fourth semesters may again choose another new element to learn, continue to develop their first or second, or take their understanding of their original as far as it can go.   Jund students may take their research and training to nearby islands, or even on adventures. To advance to the next semester, students must pass a graduation exam held each year. They are not, however, required to graduate each year, and may take as much time as they need until they believe they are ready for the perilous exam.   Graduation sees students arranged into groups of four, tasked with surviving a duel with one of their professors. Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis, and Hurricanes are not uncommon to witness.

Fear Nothing but Your Own Power

Founding Date
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Major Exports
War Mages & Elementalists
Parent Organization


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