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Pennau Cewri Mountains (Pen-eye Keh-oo-ree)

The Pennau Cewri mountains are in Tirwen. The Kerfar Lydd River begins in these mountains.   Pennau Cewri means 'Giants' heads' in Cymraeg.


A large range of mountains that formed during the The First Great Turbulence due to movements of tectonic plates. Their shape was changed, with part of the range falling, and other elements of the mountains growing, during The Second Great Turbulence.   There was a huge network of caves under the range during The First Calm, which contained a huge underground culture. However there was significant damage to the caves during the Second Great Turbulence, and attempts by neighbouring cultures to investigate, look for survivors, and even lay claim to the cave network, failed, as the structure seemed to have mostly collapsed, and was too fragile to be traversed.
Mountain Range
Location under


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