The Great Forest

This region includes The Great Forest and seven nations:
  • The Land of Ilik
  • The Kingdom of Kvarch
  • Mlurgia
  • The Kingdom of Gnamph
  • The upper region of Sarheenia
    In the verdant heart of Western Nehwon lies The Great Forest, a sprawling expanse of ancient woodland that breathes life into the land and serves as the backdrop to a tapestry of nations, each with its own distinct culture, history, and mysteries. This majestic forest is not merely a geographical feature but a living, breathing entity that has shaped the destinies of the realms nestled within and around its embrace. The Great Forest and the seven nations it encompasses—Hruspian Empire, The Land of Ilik, The Kingdom of Kvarch, Mlurgia, The Kingdom of Gnamph, The Kingdom of Kleg, and the upper region of Sarheenia—form a region of unparalleled beauty and complexity.   Hruspian Empire The Hruspian Empire, with its disciplined legions and sophisticated society, is a testament to Human ambition and resilience. Straddling the western edges of The Great Forest, the empire has mastered the art of forestry, utilizing the woods for both sustenance and defense without diminishing its majesty. Its cities are centers of learning and culture, where the arts flourish alongside the martial traditions of the Hruspian legions.   The Land of Ilik To the northwest, nestled within the densest parts of The Great Forest, lies The Land of Ilik, a realm where magic weaves through the very air. The Ilites live in harmony with the forest, their homes hidden among the ancient trees, and their practices deeply rooted in the arcane energies that pervade the land. It is said that the most powerful druids and sorcerers call this land home, guarding its secrets against the uninitiated.   The Kingdom of Kvarch On the western banks of River Mangrishik, The Kingdom of Kvarch rises from the fertile earth, a land rich in agriculture and renowned for its valiant knights. The Kvarchians have long defended their borders against encroachment, their castles standing as bulwarks amidst the sea of green. Their relationship with The Great Forest is one of mutual respect, with the woodland providing protection and sustenance in return for their stewardship.   Mlurgia Mlurgia stands as a stark contrast to its neighbors in The Great Forest, embodying a seclusionary nation where lawlessness and anarchy bloom as freely as the wildflowers. In this rugged land, the prevailing philosophy is that "might makes right," a mantra scornfully aimed at the perceived weakness of "pansy Elves and their pansy friends." Despite its chaotic veneer, Mlurgians have carved out their societal niches, adhering to an unspoken order that surprisingly fosters a generally peaceful coexistence. Traditional international trade is a foreign concept here; Mlurgians much prefer the thrill of mass raids on unsuspecting villages and farms, seizing what they need through force rather than fair exchange. To the outside world, they are viewed as pirates, barbarians, and thieves—reputations they wear as badges of honor, seeing themselves as the epitome of freedom and unbridled liberty.   Yet, even in such a place, the daring and the desperate venture for trade. Heavily armed and guarded caravans, manned by the most fearsome mercenaries whose very names quell thoughts of thievery, occasionally snake their way into the heart of Mlurgia. These ventures are fraught with danger, as the Mlurgians view them with a blend of opportunistic interest and belligerent challenge, making any attempted theft a costly endeavor in terms of lives lost. The Dark Oak Trading Company stands as the sole trading entity bold enough to engage with Mlurgia   The Kingdom of Gnamph The Kingdom of Gnamph, nestled within a particularly lush and vibrant section of The Great Forest, is a realm where the boundary between nature and civilization blurs. The Gnamphians have built their society around the colossal trees of the forest, their cities blending seamlessly into the canopy. They are skilled woodsmen and hunters, their lives intimately tied to the cycles of the forest.   The Kingdom of Kleg The Kingdom of Kleg stands as a bastion of order and discipline, its people proud and fiercely independent. The Klegians have learned to harness the resources of The Great Forest in their crafts and constructions, their woodworking and metalwork prized across Nehwon. Despite their utilitarian use of the forest, they are fierce protectors of its integrity, understanding that their fortunes are inextricably linked to its health.   The Upper Region of Sarheenia The upper region of Sarheenia, a land of rolling hills and sprawling meadows that transition gently into the dense woodlands of The Great Forest, is known for its pastoral beauty and tranquil way of life. The Sarheenians, while diverse in their customs, share a deep reverence for the land and its spirits, celebrating the seasons with festivals that light up the region with music, dance, and color.   The Great Forest, with its nations, serves not only as a green heart pumping vitality into Western Nehwon but as a complex ecosystem of Human and natural elements. It is a place of ancient magic, of battles fought in the shadows, and of alliances forged under the green canopy. Each nation, from the Hruspian Empire to the upper reaches of Sarheenia, contributes to the legend of The Great Forest, a region where the past is always alive, whispering its secrets to those who walk beneath its ancient boughs.
The Great Forest by Chad Watson
Included Locations

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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