Keldar's Descent

Perched along the steep, jagged cliffs of the eastern shores of the Kingdom of Lankhmaria, near the border of the Independent State of Kokgnab, lies a nearly invisible entrance to a vast network of underground caverns. This hidden marvel, known as Keldar's Descent, was named after the famed explorer, Keldar Stormrider, who discovered and documented its existence. Keldar was the last recorded individual to venture into the depths of these caves. His expedition took place over three hundred years ago. Keldar's meticulous records, found in fragments in the Great Library of Lankhmar and in the Library of Candlekeep, describe his journey into the Grand Ballroom and his speculation about the extent of the cave system. After his exploration, the entrance to the caves was largely forgotten as the focus of the realm shifted towards other pursuits and territories.  
The Entrance
Keldar's Descent by Chad Watson via Midjourney and Photoshop
The entrance to Keldar's Descent is located approximately 60 feet down from the edge of the cliff, which stands about 200 feet above sea level in this area. There are two openings that lead into the interior of the cave, both of which lead to the same area within called "The Grand Ballroom". The inconspicuous nature of these openings makes it nearly impossible to spot from both above and below. The bottom side of the entrance juts out slightly farther than the top, creating an "underbite" effect that further conceals the opening.   From the top of the cliff, only a narrow ledge forming the cave's bottom lip is visible, giving no indication of the vast network hidden within. To reach this ledge, one must rappel down the sheer cliff face, navigating the treacherous rocks and gusting winds of the eastern shore.  
The Pathway to the Grand Ballroom
Once on the ledge, the cave entrance opens into a narrow passageway that extends horizontally into the rock. The initial tunnel is about four feet high and three feet wide, requiring explorers to crouch or crawl through the darkness. The air inside is cool and damp, carrying the faint, earthy scent of ancient stone and hidden mysteries.   After approximately 100 feet, the tunnel widens and the ceiling rises, allowing for more comfortable movement. The path slopes gently downward, leading to a series of natural steps carved by millennia of water flow. These steps are slippery and uneven, covered in a thin layer of moisture and occasional patches of bioluminescent moss that emit a faint, eerie glow.  
The Grand Ballroom
The Grand Ballroom by adxmboni
The tunnel eventually opens into a vast chamber known as the Grand Ballroom, named by Keldar Stormrider. This grand entryway is an awe-inspiring sight, with a ceiling that soars to nearly 50 feet and walls adorned with intricate stalactites and stalagmites. The floor is littered with the bones of various animals, some so ancient that they disintegrate into dust at the slightest touch.   In the center of the Grand Ballroom, a natural amphitheater of stone provides an elevated platform, which Keldar speculated might have been used for rituals or gatherings in ages past. The air is filled with a sense of stillness, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the ceiling.  
The Living Caves
Beyond the Grand Ballroom, the cavern network transitions into a series of wet caves, known as "living caves" by geologists. These chambers are characterized by the presence of water, which flows in small streams and pools, creating a humid and vibrant environment.  
Mycanoid and Fungi:
Glowcap Mushrooms by kuba_hyperliving
  • Glowcap Mushrooms: Bioluminescent fungi that emit a soft, greenish-blue or blueish-purple light, illuminating the cave in a ghostly glow.
  • Sporecloud Fungus: Tall, slender fungi that release clouds of spores when disturbed, creating a sparkling mist in the air.
  • Veilweb Mycelium: Delicate, web-like fungal growths that spread across the walls and floor, providing a rich habitat for cave-dwelling insects.
  • Luminous Moss: A bioluminescent moss that grows in patches along the walls and ceilings, casting a gentle light that guides explorers through the darkness.
  • Water Ferns: Delicate ferns that thrive in the humid environment, their fronds gently waving in the subterranean breeze.
  • Cave Crickets: Large, pale crickets that chirp softly, adding to the cave's eerie ambiance.
  • Blind Fish: Small, sightless fish that inhabit the underground streams and pools, navigating by touch and vibration.
  • Glow Worms: Tiny, luminescent larvae that dangle from the ceiling on silken threads, creating a mesmerizing starry effect.
  • Seagulls and predatory birds: Inside the Grand Ballroom and the initial passageways of Keldar's Descent, the presence of seagulls and other birds is evidenced by the occasional scattering of feathers and small droppings. These remnants are typically found near the entrance, suggesting that the birds do not venture far into the dark, labyrinthine depths of the caverns.The bones of small animals, likely brought in by predatory birds seeking a secluded place to eat their prey, can also be found near the entrance. These bones, mingled with the ancient remains already present in the Grand Ballroom, add to the eerie atmosphere of the cave.
  • Blackrot Mold: A toxic, black mold that grows in damp, shaded areas, releasing spores that can cause respiratory issues if inhaled.
  • Ghost Spores: A pale, almost invisible mold that covers decaying organic matter, giving it a spectral appearance.
The Extent of the Caverns
The ancient scrolls found by Keldar Stormrider map only the first 1,000 feet of the caverns, describing various chambers and passages. However, the true extent of Keldar's Descent remains unknown. The explorer speculated that the caverns might eventually lead to the underground cities of the Drow Elves, though he found no evidence to support this theory.  
Flooding Caverns by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Keldar's Descent is susceptible to flooding during torrential rains. The Grand Ballroom and the initial few hundred feet of the cavern network can transform into a perilous, water-filled labyrinth when heavy rains overwhelm the natural drainage systems of the cliffs and caverns.  
The Grand Ballroom
The Grand Ballroom, the majestic entryway into the deeper parts of Keldar's Descent, is situated at a low point within the cave system. This expansive chamber, with its towering ceiling and intricate stalactite formations, becomes a basin that collects runoff water from the surrounding cliffs and cave passages.  
Torrential Rains and Flooding
When torrential rains hit the eastern shores of Lankhmaria, the steep cliffs and their rocky surfaces channel vast amounts of water into the narrow cave entrance. The thin ledge that forms the cave's bottom lip acts as a funnel, directing water into the tunnel that leads to the Grand Ballroom.   As the rain continues, the water level in the entrance tunnel rises, cascading down the natural steps and filling the Grand Ballroom. The normally dry floor of the Grand Ballroom becomes submerged, with water levels reaching several feet deep, depending on the intensity and duration of the rainfall.  
Impact on the Cavern Network
The initial few hundred feet of the cavern network, including the Grand Ballroom, experience significant flooding during these periods. The flooding can be rapid, turning the narrow passageways and chambers into treacherous, water-filled corridors.  
  • Entrance Tunnel: The narrow entrance tunnel, already a tight squeeze for explorers, becomes impassable as water surges through, creating a fast-flowing stream that washes away debris and small bones.
  • Natural Steps: The natural steps leading down to the Grand Ballroom become slick and dangerous, their surfaces covered in rushing water.
  • Side Chambers: The side chambers and passages branching off from the main path also flood, with water seeping into every crevice and filling lower-lying areas.
Hazards of Flooding
The flooding of Keldar's Descent during torrential rains poses several hazards for any would-be explorers:  
  • Drowning: The sudden influx of water can trap and drown anyone caught within the lower parts of the cavern system.
  • Hypothermia: The cold, subterranean water can quickly sap body heat, leading to hypothermia.
  • Navigational Challenges: Flooding obscures familiar landmarks and alters the terrain, making it easy to become disoriented and lost.
  • Structural Instability: The force of the water can weaken and erode the cave walls and ceilings, increasing the risk of collapses and cave-ins.
Historical Accounts
Keldar Stormrider's journal includes a harrowing account of encountering the flooding phenomenon during one of his explorations. He describes being forced to retreat to higher ground within the caverns, waiting out the storm as the water levels rose and fell around him. His writings emphasize the need for caution and preparedness when exploring Keldar's Descent, particularly during the rainy season.
Cave System
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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